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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 89
Paper 170
Finite Element Analysis of Conical Shell Foundations A.A. Al-Azzawi, R.J. Aziz and A.A. Al-Ani
Department of Civil Engineering, Nahrain University, Iraq Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
A.A. Al-Azzawi, R.J. Aziz, A.A. Al-Ani, "Finite Element Analysis of Conical Shell Foundations", in M. Papadrakakis, B.H.V. Topping, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 170, 2008. doi:10.4203/ccp.89.170
Keywords: analysis, conical, finite element, elastic foundation, shells, Winkler model.
In this paper, conical shell foundations are investigated. The two components of the
interacting system; the soil and the shell foundation, are modelled using the finite
element method. In this study, eight-node isoparametric degenerated shell element
with five degrees of freedom at each node is used. The soil-structure interaction
between the shell elements and the supporting medium are modelled by
representing the soil medium by certain analytical equivalent such as the Winkler
model with both normal compressional and tangential frictional resistances. This
model assumes the soil medium to consist of a system of independent spring
elements. The displacement occurs immediately under the loaded area and outside
this region; the displacement is zero.
The problem is analysed using the computer program named
SFAP (Shell Foundation Analysis Program) [1], which was developed from a
program named PLAST [2] by adding subroutines of foundation properties and
stiffnesses in order to be capable of solving different types of shell foundations.
Comparison between the results obtained by the present analysis and those
obtained by other investigations are made. The present analysis shows satisfactory
results when compared with those obtained by other studies The percentage
difference in results (for the vertical displacement) between the present study and
Kurian study in 1993 [3] is about 0.077%. The percentage difference in results
between the present study and Hassan study in 2002 [4] is about 2.439%.
Parametric studies have been carried out to investigate the effect of some
important parameters on the behaviour of shell foundations. Three parameters are
considered which are: semi-vertical angle, conical shell thickness and vertical
subgrade reaction.
The major conclusions obtained from the study of the conical shell foundation are:
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