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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433
CCP: 89
Edited by: M. Papadrakakis and B.H.V. Topping
Paper 68

To Integrate or Not to Integrate: Software for Mobile Computing Devices

Q. Chen1 and T. Mills2

1Department of Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus OH, USA
2Department of Building Construction, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg VA, USA

Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
Q. Chen, T. Mills, "To Integrate or Not to Integrate: Software for Mobile Computing Devices", in M. Papadrakakis, B.H.V. Topping, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 68, 2008. doi:10.4203/ccp.89.68
Keywords: mobile computing device, personal digital assistant (PDA), construction site, information interoperability, software, all-in-one integrated.

In recent years, there is an increasing awareness that mobile computing devices, for example, personal digital assistants (PDAs) also known as pocket computers, can be used on construction sites to enhance data collection, information coordination, communication, productivity, and construction management [1,2]. Having a very high mobility, they are ideal substitutes for desktop personal computers (PCs) and laptops to record field data and exchange information between field staff or between office and field staff. However, in practice, these devices have not been widely employed as expected. Technology limitations in both hardware and software are obvious barriers [3]. While the computer hardware continues shrinking (e.g., all-in-one desktop PCs, light and compact laptops, and pocket computers), the need for integrated software solutions increases tremendously. This paper focuses on exploring information needs and interoperability requirements from different mobile device users at construction sites and examining the possibility of integrated software applications for these devices.

Mobile computing devices, such as field information management tools, should be capable of handling various types of project information and meeting the diverse information management needs of jobsite users. This usually requires multiple software applications to be installed and smoothly run on these devices. However, due to their compact size and operating systems used, these devices cannot run and display multi-programs simultaneously. Therefore, anticipation for "all-in-one integrated" software for field information exchange and communication is eager. Such a software application should achieve the highest level of information interoperability and satisfy various information processing and management needs in construction.

This paper identifies different mobile device users and their field information needs based on different organizational levels. The study is focused on information they input into or retrieve from these devices. This paper further classifies the hierarchical levels of information interoperability required by different users as high, medium-high, medium, and low. It is found that project managers have the highest information interoperability expectation when accessing and handling various types of project information. Although this increases the difficulty in developing an "all-in-one integrated" software application, the need is established.

The authors propose to develop a series of integrated software solutions for different users based on the identified hierarchical levels of information interoperability. The final goal is to enhance information handling capabilities and efficiencies of mobile computing devices and promote their broad applications on construction sites.

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Y.S. Kim, S.W. Oh, Y.K. Cho, J.W. Seo, "A PDA and wireless web-integrated system for quality inspection and defect management of apartment housing projects", Automation in Construction, 17(2), 163-179, 2008. doi:10.1016/j.autcon.2007.03.006
G.F. Hayhoe, "From desktop to palmtop: Creating usable online documents for wireless and handheld devices", in "Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference", 1-11, 2001.

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