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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 88
Paper 165
Coupling Dynamic Buckling Analysis of Framed Structures Using a Spline Finite Element H. Yang and A.Y.T. Leung
Department of Building and Construction, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
H. Yang, A.Y.T. Leung, "Coupling Dynamic Buckling Analysis of Framed Structures Using a Spline Finite Element", in B.H.V. Topping, M. Papadrakakis, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 165, 2008. doi:10.4203/ccp.88.165
Keywords: torque buckling analysis, spline finite element, cubic B-spline, initial stress, framed structure, initial stress stiffness matrix.
This paper uses B-splines to analyze dynamic buckling problems of framed
structures subject to coupled initial end torque and axial force.
It was assumed [1] that the torque applied at the end of the beam element is
equally shared in x and y axes as initial stresses, which is satisfactory in such a case
that the bending rigidities in x and y axes are equal [2]. In the case where the
bending rigidities are different, the torque is shared in the x and y axes as initial
stresses in the ratio Ix:Iy.
After a brief introduction, assumptions and a basic description of the problem of interest are presented. Next the energy equations are derived for uniform cross-sections, and are non-dimensionalized with the rigidity ratio to define the geometry. Using cubic B-splines, displacement fields are constructed. A derivation of the equation of motion based on Hamilton's principle is presented. Thereafter, the idea of finite element method is used to formulate the system matrices. To simplify the calculation, a coordinate transformation transforms a typical element into a standardized element. Details of how to deal with boundary conditions are described. The solution is given, which is a linear eigenvalue problem to describe the relationship between natural frequency, axial buckling force, and end buckling torque. Numerical examples for a cantilever beam element are discussed, in which numerous interactive diagrams are constructed and analyzed. The paper is concluded with some remarks. A comprehensive study on the interactive dynamic axial-torsional buckling problem of a doubly symmetric beam element with uniform cross-section has been presented. Extensive interactive diagrams are constructed for analysis purpose. The numerical results indicate that the method is efficient and accurate in comparison with the results in [2,3,4]. Although only a single cantilever beam element has been investigated in the numerical examples, structural frames can be further studied without difficulties since the method is based on the finite element formulation. References
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