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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 87
Paper 39
Simulation of Evacuation Behaviours in a Subway Station using Cellular Automata T. Madza1, T. Goto2 and J. Arioka1
1Department of Civil Engineering, Kumamoto University, Japan
Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
T. Madza, T. Goto, J. Arioka, "Simulation of Evacuation Behaviours in a Subway Station using Cellular Automata", in B.H.V. Topping, (Editor), "Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 39, 2007. doi:10.4203/ccp.87.39
Keywords: evacuation, cellular automata, subway station.
Urban cities have been more overcrowded with structures in recent years. As one of the measures against this situation, effective use of underground space has been promoted. From the viewpoint of landscape, social infrastructure, such as electric power and gas, are relocated to underground, and the importance of effective use of underground space is increasing. Neither traffic other than human nor climate conditions affect an underground space, which is seen as comfortable. It is effectively used for various purposes such as a subway, underground shopping street, parking place or food storehouse, so that underground population is increasing. Based on this fact, it will be used for multipurpose ways more and more. Along with the diversification of its purpose, an underground space would pose a diversified and complicated risk. Then disaster prevention measures need to be prepared more carefully than before. Especially people who pass underground space for the first time tend to feel it like a maze because it has a closed nature compared with above the ground. Therefore once a disaster occurs, people tend to easily thrown into a panic which could lead to a catastrophic situation. Due to this, for developing disaster prevention measures of underground space, it is crucial to develop disaster prevention measures by adopting a nonstructural approach which is to predict human behaviour at the time of disaster, not only by a structural approach which is to reinforce structures. This study has created a typical model based on a structural typification of the subway of Fukuoka city. With the evacuation behavioural simulation using this model, the evacuation behaviour of a crowd in a multi-story space has been evaluated.
In this study, subway stations in Fukuoka city were typified and the applicability of the simulation system to classified subway models was confirmed. The conclusions obtained from this study are as follows. Subway stations in Fukuoka city were classified in two types. One is island model where both inbound and outbound passengers were used at the same time. Another one is the separated model where inbound and outbound passengers were divided to each side. A simulation system of the evacuation behaviour in a subway station with cellular automaton was developed. This system enables the simulation of crowd simultaneous evacuation behaviour in a subway station. By considering the type of subway station, different evacuation behaviour was confirmed. purchase the full-text of this paper (price £20)
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