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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 85
Paper 37
Velocity Mapping Procedures for Tidal Stream Turbines in an Arbitrary Flow Field and the Implications on Performance Due to Non-Uniform Flow J. Chapman1, J.A.C. Orme2 and I. Masters1
1Civil and Computational Engineering Centre, Swansea University, United Kingdom
Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
J. Chapman, J.A.C. Orme, I. Masters, "Velocity Mapping Procedures for Tidal Stream Turbines in an Arbitrary Flow Field and the Implications on Performance Due to Non-Uniform Flow", in B.H.V. Topping, (Editor), "Proceedings of the Fifteenth UK Conference of the Association of Computational Mechanics in Engineering", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 37, 2007. doi:10.4203/ccp.85.37
Keywords: blade, element, theory, tidal, turbine, renewable, energy, yaw, marine.
Accurate modelling of tidal stream turbine systems is vital if reliable, efficient turbine systems are to be produced and installed in the harsh marine environment. The blade element and momentum theory (BEMT) is a computationally efficient approach for modelling the performance of a rotor system in a flowing fluid. Griffiths [1] applied the theory to wind turbine design and Orme [2] continued this research, adapting the approach to take into account tidal and wave effects. The work presented here aims to continue the development of this approach with specific application to tidal stream devices.
Matrix procedures to track blade element positions in a global space are presented, this enables a global velocity vector to be interpolated from a grid of flow vectors for each element in global space. A similar matrix manipulation is then discussed to transform these global flow vectors so that their components are relative to the blade element and can then be used as inputs to the BEMT model. To test the performance of this system, an investigation was conducted using a one tenth power law velocity profile for a standard turbine rotor in varying water depths. Tests were run over complete rotations of the turbine, over a span of time and over a range of turbine rotational speeds. For each water depth a fluctuation in teeter torque (the torque acting about the hub tending to tilt the rotor plane towards the seabed) was seen as the rotor blades passed through the different flow velocities of the boundary layer profile. The results show that the mapping and tracking procedures are functioning well, capturing the aspects of rotation of the turbine system and the position of the turbine in the flow profile. It was found in this study that the traditional definition of Tip speed ratio, a dimensionless ratio of turbine rotational speed to fluid velocity was inadequate. Different definitions for this ratio were discussed and it was concluded that taking the hub velocity as the reference fluid velocity gave a comprehensible reference for comparison. References
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