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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 84
Paper 194
Novel Statistical Modelling of Two-Dimensional Vector Hysteresis Z. Sari and A. Iványi
Department of Informatics, Pollack Mihály Faculty of Engineering, University of Pécs, Hungary Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
, "Novel Statistical Modelling of Two-Dimensional Vector Hysteresis", in B.H.V. Topping, G. Montero, R. Montenegro, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 194, 2006. doi:10.4203/ccp.84.194
Keywords: ferromagnetic hysteresis, stochastic model.
In this paper a two-dimensional vectorial model of magnetic hysteresis is
described. Nonlinear material models have great practical importance
since they appear in many real-world engineering computational
problems. The main concept behind the recent model lies in the
stochastic representation of the memory of the material. With the
aid of this kind of memory handling the magnetic state of the
material can be described easily and the calculation of the
magnetization vector becomes very simple even in the case of
rotating magnetic field excitations.
Many vector hysteresis models can be found in the literature with their own advantages and disadvantages. These models are mainly grouped around two different approaches. One of them is based on building the vector model from several scalar models aligned to different directions of the space [1,2], the other approach is based on the nucleation theory and energetic considerations like the Stoner-Wolfarth model. The model presented in this paper follows a rather different approach, a phenomenological one. The investigation of the vector hysteresis phenomenon is carried out on an 'intuitive' basis. The goal is the deduction of the main properties of the vectorial hysteresis behavior from a set of quite simple rules. The main concept behind this approach is the way of handling the magnetic history of the material, rotation of individual magnetic domains and rotation of the applied magnetic field vector H.
For this model the material is considered as a collection of freely
rotating magnetic domains with dipole-moments. Each domain has its
own orientation and elementary magnetic moment m. For the
sake of simplicity it is assumed that this magnetic moment has the
same value for each domain. The memory structure of the material is
treated as a probability density function (or discrete probability
distribution) for the interval This memory handling method enables the possible states of the material to be well described, and shows that the model has the so called infinite memory which according to the research is more closely related to physical background of hysteresis phenomena than local memory structure [2]. Thus it has an advantage of this kind of description.
The memory function
The presented vector-model is based on a scalar hysteresis in one
sense, namely the magnetization process is governed by a scalar
hysteresis curve. The scalar hysteresis model applied in this case
is a simple model based on statistical considerations. A simple
magnetic domain can be handled as a delayed relay operator
[3] (elementary hysteron) with two states corresponding
to the magnetized and the demagnetized state and the value of the
switching field The presented two-dimensional vector hysteresis model has been developed in a fully intuitive way and on a phenomenological basis to provide a reasonable description of the vector hysteresis phenomena in two dimensions. Furthermore the model can be extended to three dimensions with not much difficulty, and various hysteresis characteristics can be modeled with the help of it. The model shows good agreement with known experimental results of vector hysteresis phenomenon and can be easily implemented into field calculation problems. References
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