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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 84
Paper 98
High Performance Computer Simulations Using Third Generation Air Quality Modelling Systems R. San José1, J.L. Pérez1, F. García Merayo1 and R.M. González2
1Environmental Software and Modelling Group, Computer Science School, Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Spain
Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
, "High Performance Computer Simulations Using Third Generation Air Quality Modelling Systems", in B.H.V. Topping, G. Montero, R. Montenegro, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 98, 2006. doi:10.4203/ccp.84.98
Keywords: air pollution, parallel platforms, meteorological modelling.
During the last decade a considerable effort has been made on improving the
computer efficiency of sophisticated air quality modelling systems. The objective of
this contribution is to show the results of testing the air quality modelling system,
MM5-CMAQ [1] in different platforms and with different configurations. The
MM5-CMAQ modelling system is a very sophisticated air quality modelling system which
is used to simulate the dynamics of the pollution concentrations in the atmosphere
by using the Navier-Stokes fluid dynamics partial differential equation system.
MM5 is a non-hydrostatic meteorological model developed by Penn State and
NCAR (US) [1] and CMAQ [2] is the Community Multiscale Air Quality Modelling
System developed by EPA (US). These models require a substantial amount of input
information such as hourly and pollutant emission data, meteorological and
chemical initial and boundary conditions, land use data and topographic information.
This is a huge amount of information. For the emission data, we have used the
EMIMO model [3] to provide the amount of pollution emitted per grid
cell, per hour and per activity. The MM5 and CMAQ models are fully parallelized
for OpenMP and MPI environments and different tests have been done. Due to the
Courant-Levy condition, the time step for the meteorological module and for the
CMAQ module depends on the spatial grid resolution and the maximum wind speed
in the hree-dimensional domain so that the time step changes every time step and the value
depends on the grid resolution. In this contribution we will show results of the
MM5-CMAQ modelling system applied over the whole of Europe with a
meteorological domain defined as 95x90 horizontal layers (50 km spatial
resolution) and 23 vertical layers (up to 100 mb) and the CMAQ modelling system
over a domain of 88x83 with 12 vertical layers. In this contribution we have used the
MM5 meteorological mesoscale model developed by Pennsylvania State University
(USA) and NCAR (National Centre for Atmospheric Research, USA) [1]. The
CMAQ model is the Community Multiscale Air Quality Modelling System
developed by EPA (USA) [2] and EMIMO is the Emission Model developed by San
José et al. [3]. MM5 is a well recognized non-hydrostatic mesoscale
meteorological models which uses global meteorological data produced by global
models such as GFS model (NCEP, USA) to produce high resolution detailed three
dimensional fields of wind, temperature and humidity which are used in our case as
input for the photochemical dispersion model CMAQ. In addition to MM5 output
data, EMIMO model produces for the specific required spatial resolution, hourly
emission data for different inorganic pollutants such as particulate matter, sulphur
dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and total volatile organic compounds
VOC's. The VOC's are divided according to SMOKE (Sparse Matrix Operator
Kernel Emissions. In this particular case, the EMIMO model is applied by using the
annual EMEP official emissions from 2003 for the whole of Europe. The full system
is called OPANA V3 since the V2 included adaptations of the MEMO model
(REMEST) and on-line implementation of the SMVGEAR implicit technique with
the CBM-IV chemical carbon bond mechanism.
We have presented a system called OPANA (Operational Atmospheric Numerical pollution model for urban and regional Areas) which has been improved during the last ten years. OPANA has included different versions of second generations of air quality models such as MEMO and CHEMA (adapted), nowadays it includes MM5, CMAQ and EMIMO as part of the full system (including a version of MIMO and CAMO, cellular automata model, called MICROSYS). The system is on service producing on a daily basis, air quality forecasts for several cities and regions such as Madrid city (Spain), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain) and Leicester City (Great Britain). During the last two years several experiments have been performed on different parallel platforms, all of them cluster oriented (distributed memory). During the last year, several experiments have been performed on dual core machines (shared memory) and mixed systems (shared and distributed memory). In general, CMAQ ran faster as more processors were used, as long as the data was written locally. The higher the spatial resolution, the smaller the time step and the CPU increases exponentially. The results show that the dual core AMD 4200 and 4800 obtain an excellent performance compared to one processor and PIV 3.4 Ghz with a faster clock. More experiments are expected in the CESVIMA supercomputer center with 400 nodes during the next months. References
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