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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 81
Paper 238
A Numerical Assessment of the Use of Fluid Viscous Dampers to Reduce the Resonance Response of High-Speed Railway Bridges M.D. Martinez-Rodrigo+ and P. Museros*
+Department of Technology, University Jaume I, Castellon, Spain
Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
M.D. Martinez-Rodrigo, P. Museros, "A Numerical Assessment of the Use of Fluid Viscous Dampers to Reduce the Resonance Response of High-Speed Railway Bridges", in B.H.V. Topping, (Editor), "Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 238, 2005. doi:10.4203/ccp.81.238
Keywords: high-speed railway bridges, bridge dynamics, resonance in railway bridges, passive energy dissipation devices, fluid viscous dampers, moving loads.
The dynamic performance of railway bridges due to the passing of high-speed
trains has become an issue and main concern for many scientists and engineers in the
last decades. The main reason for this growing interest is the extensive construction
of new high-speed lines and the reuse of old lines for higher operating train
velocities. Fast trains can induce resonance situations in railway bridges, especially
in those where the main structural elements are simply supported beams. As the train
velocity approaches the resonant one a dynamic amplification of the structural
response is to be expected, and in particular inadmissible vertical accelerations may
occur on the bridge that may cause passenger discomfort, a reduction of the service
life of the bridge, ballast deconsolidation, and the subsequent risk of derailment, as
reported by some members of the D-214 Committee of the European Rail Research
Institute [1,2]. Therefore, it becomes essential to control the resonant vibration of such
structures under the circulation of trains.
Vibration control systems have been applied to reduce the dynamic response of structures since the 1960s but, even though, only a few authors have addressed the practical application of this technology to bridges excited by moving vehicles [3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]. In the particular case presented herein the proposed strategy is based on the use of linear fluid viscous dampers connecting the bridge deck with an auxiliary structure. The aim of the investigation is to prove that the resonant response of the bridge may be drastically reduced by this type of device. The retrofitted bridge is firstly analysed under a sinusoidal excitation in order to capture the variables governing the resonant behaviour and the optimal parameters for the dampers which minimise the bridge dynamic response are obtained in closed form. Afterwards the adequacy of these optimal expressions to real bridges subjected to railway traffic is proven over a wide range of velocities. It may be concluded that (i) the resonant vibrations in simply supported bridges subjected to moving loads can be drastically reduced with the retrofit design proposed herein without neither exceeding the damper capacity nor the maximum yield stress of the auxiliary structure or the punching load capacity of the bridge slab; (ii) for a particular auxiliary structure, an optimum value of the FVD constants exists that minimises the bridge response; (iii) analytical expressions for the optimal damper constants are provided which lead to very accurate results as long as the maximum response of the bridge in the range of evaluated velocities that occur at resonance. References
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