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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433
CCP: 83
Edited by: B.H.V. Topping, G. Montero and R. Montenegro
Paper 20

Numerical Analysis of Innovative Steel Connections for a Composite Wood-Steel-Concrete Floor

A. Marzo, A. Formisano, B. Faggiano and F.M. Mazzolani

Department of Structural Analysis and Design, University of Naples "Federico II", Italy

Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
A. Marzo, A. Formisano, B. Faggiano, F.M. Mazzolani, "Numerical Analysis of Innovative Steel Connections for a Composite Wood-Steel-Concrete Floor", in B.H.V. Topping, G. Montero, R. Montenegro, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 20, 2006. doi:10.4203/ccp.83.20
Keywords: composite wooden-concrete-floor, innovative connection system, numerical modelling.

This paper deals with the study of an innovative reversible type of connection system for a composite wooden beam-concrete floor slab purposely conceived for application to ancient wooden floors. The system consists of a steel sleeve, surrounding the beam and connecting the slab by means of superior wings. A layer of rubber is interposed between the sleeve and the wooden beam, in order to ensure the adaptability of the system to the irregular surface of the existing ancient beams. The new connection system has been designed in order to provide an equivalent performance as in the case of classical shear connectors [1,2] as shown in Figure 1.

Refined numerical models have been developed by means of the non-linear code for structural calculation ABAQUS [3], aiming at evaluating the structural performance of the new connection systems. Firstly, as a preliminary and indispensable phase, the material model calibration has been performed on the basis of the results of laboratory tests [4,5,6,7]. In the subsequent phase of the work the push-out numerical analysis of the proposed system, with reference to both rectangular and circular cross-sections of the wooden beam, has been performed.

Different configurations of the base system have been examined. In particular with reference to the rectangular shape two, three and four parts of the sleeve, bolted together at the sleeve wings, have been considered; with reference to the circular shape a two parts sleeve has been analysed, considering both different thicknesses and bolt tightening.

Results of the analyses have shown that on one hand the increase of the number of sleeves allows a significant improvement of the system performance in terms of both strength and stiffness. Nevertheless, the complexity of the intervention becomes more evident, due to both greater use of materials and the installation processes. On the other hand the increase in the sleeve thickness does not provide an important improvement in the system behaviour in terms of strength, but only a slight increase of stiffness, due to the enlargement of the wooden-rubber contact surface; whereas, a greater bolt tightening gives rise to a better behaviour of the system in terms of strength. It is worth noticing that the theoretical strength is never attained, because the actual contact surfaces are always smaller than the one corresponding to the full contact (as in the theoretical case).

Finally, a very simple relationship between the surface contact variation and the stiffness variation of the system has been set up, which is very useful for the system design.

Figure 1: Configuration of the proposed connection system.

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