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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 80
Paper 61
Realisations of a Graph into Rectangles Covering a Rectangle: Building Floor Plan Design A. Recuero+, O. Río+ and M. Alvarez*
+Eduardo Torroja Institute, CSIC, Madrid, Spain
, "Realisations of a Graph into Rectangles Covering a Rectangle: Building Floor Plan Design", in B.H.V. Topping, C.A. Mota Soares, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 61, 2004. doi:10.4203/ccp.80.61
Keywords: graphs, mapping into rectangles, architectural design, floor plan.
The use of graph theory in architectural design has been shown by different
authors [1,2,3]. Graphs can be used to represent in an abstract way different relationships
(geometrical, functional, etc.) among the different floor rooms. This abstraction
allows for the mathematical representation of the relationships that enable the
automatic design processes [4].
A graph is a set of nodes or vertices connected by edges. If in an architectural plan a vertex is assigned to each room and an edge connecting two vertices is assigned to every wall, separating the corresponding rooms, a graph is obtained. It is said that the mentioned room distribution is a realisation of the graph into the floor plan. Each room distribution is associated to a graph, but a graph can be associated to different distributions The possibility that the graph that represents the different relationships among the rooms can be associated to a distribution into a plan is designed as realisability of the graph into the plan. The different solutions to this problem are the different alternatives that can be considered by the designer in the preliminary design process stages. Usually, floor plan sides are parallel or perpendicular to each other and rooms are rectangular. It is of interest to have algorithms [5] to verify the realisability of a graph by means of rectangles covering the given plan and if it is realisable, then automatically generate all possible distributions. The problem can be solved into steps. The first step is to reduce the actual floor plan to a rectangular one. The second one is to check the realisability of the graph into a rectangular plan by rectangular rooms. No algorithm has been found that solves this problem in a conclusive way. The authors presented a heuristic method based on the accomplishment of necessary conditions but they have not been able to prove its sufficiency although not counter- example has been found. Other author solutions that used graph theory to solve the problem of generating floor plan distributions are not prepared to cover a previously fixed floor plan and they need to impose previous decisions concerning relative positions between rooms. The method proposed by the authors is more general because it does not impose a-priori conditions on the relative positions of rooms, but it is only valid for rectangular plans, the only convex plans that can be covered by rectangles. The algorithm developed by authors is structured in the following steps:
Theoretical description of stages a-c was already presented in [5]. In this work, main details of the implementation in C of phase b are presented. Both, the data structure and the functions used by the program are described. Examples are included to show the complete application to a realisable graph and a set of examples of no realisable graphs is also included. References
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