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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433
CCP: 80
Edited by: B.H.V. Topping and C.A. Mota Soares
Paper 1

An Adaptive Mixed Method for Wind Field Adjustment

J.M. Cascón and L. Ferragut

Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Salamanca, Spain

Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
, "An Adaptive Mixed Method for Wind Field Adjustment", in B.H.V. Topping, C.A. Mota Soares, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 1, 2004. doi:10.4203/ccp.80.1
Keywords: augmented Lagrangian, a-posteriori error estimators, adaptive mesh, convergence, multilevel preconditioners.

In this paper we present a new adaptive strategy to obtain an incompressible wind field that adjusts to an experimental one, and verify boundary conditions of physical interest [1].

We use an Augmented Lagrangian formulation for solving this problem (see [1]). Our method is based on Uzawa iteration to update the Lagrange multiplier on an elliptic adaptive inner iteration for velocity. For a positive diagonal matrix A, we derive a posteriori error estimator for the operator (inner iteration),

A    div    

with an error reduction property, i.e. in each step of refinement we guarantee that the error decreases in a fixed proportion of the current error. Then, we extend the theory of [2,3] to this case, and prove that our algorithm converges within any prescribed tolerance in a finite number of steps without any preliminary mesh adaptation.

The numerical solution is approached with the lowest Raviart-Thomas element. Therefore, we have continuity of the flows through the inter-element boundaries, and the incompressibility contition at discrete level.

We solve the system of equations, corresponding to the inner loop, using a CG preconditioned by one V-cycle of Arnold-Falk-Winter multigrid [4]. Though the theoretical justification of this solver is only for quasiuniform triangulation, we obtain optimal results on adaptive meshes, i.e. the number of iterations remain bounded as the number of degree of freedom grows.

Several examples show that the proposed method is efficient and reliable. The numerical experiments have been designed with the finite element toolboox ALBERT [5], extended with new designed tools for the a-posteriori error estimator developed in this paper, and the multigrid preconditioner of [4].

0 0 62 2 11
1 100 4 10 1.530e+00 --
1 0 100 4 10
1 146 5 10
2 238 7 10
3 382 8 11 1.042e+00 0.56
2 0 382 8 11
1 608 10 11
2 797 12 11 8.030e-01 0.70
3 0 797 12 10
1 1166 13 11 6.735e-01 0.92
4 0 1166 13 9
1 1688 15 11 5.597e-01 1.00
5 0 1688 15 9
1 2584 17 11 4.557e-01 0.96
6 0 2584 17 9
1 4024 19 10 3.628e-01 1.02
7 0 4024 19 8
1 6994 21 10 2.751e-01 1.00
8 0 6994 21 8
1 11803 23 10 2.106e-01 1.02
9 0 11803 23 8
1 26216 25 11 1.418e-01 1.00
10 0 26216 25 9
1 33445 27 10
2 44540 29 10 1.078e-01 1.04

Table 1: Results for obstacle model test. Notation: OUT/INT: th iteration of outer/inner loop. DOF: number of degrees of freedom for Raviart-Thomas element. LEVELS: number of multigrid levels. ITER: number of iterations for PCG. : error estimator for wind field. EOC: experimental orders of convergence (optimal order 1.0).

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