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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 79
Paper 265
Vertically Hinged Anti-seismic System F. Bartolozzi
Varese, Italy Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
F. Bartolozzi, "Vertically Hinged Anti-seismic System", in B.H.V. Topping, C.A. Mota Soares, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 265, 2004. doi:10.4203/ccp.79.265
Keywords: acceleration, deformation, earthquake, motion, frustum, hinge.
The inertial force, which reveals itself in a building due to the undulatory shock
of an earthquake, is generally shown in diagram form by systems of concentrated
horizontal forces applied to the floors. The method proposed in this study is based
on the hypothesis that the distribution of the inertial force is linear along the height
of the building, in accordance with the fact that the weight of a building with
constant transverse section varies linearly from the top to bottom.
It is also presumed that the building consists of a succession of hinged partial frustums with constant height, which are connected to one another by means of fixed hinges located at both the top and bottom each frustum in order to allow a frustum to rotate with respect to its adjacent frustums in the vertical plain only. Each intermediate frustum - from the lowest to the second highest - is transversely stiffened, at both the base and the summit, by appropriately dimensioned slabs, therefore behaving with respect to the bending and shear stresses like a beam perfectly fixed to the ends with elastic angular deformations. The considerable rigidity of the slabs with respect to the rigidity of the pillars present in the frustum allows this fixing state to be adopted as the most suitable. On the other hand, the top frustum behaves like a cantilever truss perfectly fixed to one end and with elastic angular deformation at the opposite end. In order to confer the building with the same rigidity with respect to the any direction of the earthquake and to decrease the torsional effects, its ideal geometrical plan is obviously circular - and then regular polygonal and square - with circular section pillars and reinforced steel symmetrically placed with respect to any axis of the section. However, there is nothing to prevent the construction of buildings that - due to elaborate architectonic requirements - must have different geometrical plans, provided, with the use of appropriate joints, they can be disassembled into bodies of a very simple plan, at least square. With regard to the first frustum at the top, the bending and shear stresses concerning the dynamic configuration with vertical hinges (2nd Configuration) are equal to the corresponding stresses of the configuration without vertical hinges (1st Configuration). However, with reference to the other frustums, proceeding from top to bottom, the bending and shear stresses concerning the 2nd configuration are maximum in correspondence of the second frustum and they decrease rapidly from the following frustum until becoming negligible. Their percentage values are much lower than the corresponding values of the 1st configuration. This is the reason behind the considerable economic advantage of the configuration with hinges with respect to the configuration without hinges. References
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