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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 79
Paper 210
Buckling Behaviour of Layered Wood Columns B. Cas, M. Saje and I. Planinc
Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
B. Cas, M. Saje, I. Planinc, "Buckling Behaviour of Layered Wood Columns", in B.H.V. Topping, C.A. Mota Soares, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 210, 2004. doi:10.4203/ccp.79.210
Keywords: composites, Reissner beam, geometrical and material non-linearity, strain-based finite element analysis, layered wood columns, interlayer slip.
Composite structures are of increasing interest in building
construction, where they are used as floor, wall and roof elements, and in
bridge construction. The building up wood columns from various layers
connected by means of nailing, bolting or gluing is a common practice. The
use of composite structures is often necessary for practical and economical
reasons. Composite, or layered structures are built up from two or more
subcomponents of like or unlike materials; each of the constituents fulfills
the function for which its material characteristics are most suited. The
behaviour of composite members depends to a large degree on the type of
connection between the subcomponents. Rigid shear connectors usually develop
full composite action between the individual components of the member, so
that the conventional principles of the analysis can be applied. Flexible
shear connectors generally permit the development of only a partial
composite action; therefore, the analysis procedure requires the
consideration of the interlayer slip between subelements. In this paper, a
geometrically and materially non-linear analysis of composite wood beams,
where slips between the layers are accounted for, is presented. A special
attention is devoted to the buckling behaviour of compressed composite wood
To use wood economically, wood columns are often made from various layers assembled by means of nailing, bolting, or gluing. As already mentioned, the buckling load of layered wooden columns depends on the dimensions and the physical properties of the layers and on the strength and the locations of the connectors. In order to predict this buckling load, a method for analysing the behaviour of such systems is necessary. Let us emphasize that many researchers, e.g. [4,5,8] have developed different procedures for non-linear analysis of composite structures with interlayer slips, where only material non-linearities of layers and contacts between them are taken into account. As it is well known, by using this kind of analysis we can not determine the buckling load of a composite column correctly. The procedures presently used in various codes for designing layered wood columns are based primarily on the results of experiments [2] and the theoretical models available for the analysis of this type of constructions are generally based on the assumption of the rigidity of the connection between the layers [5]. Girhammar and Gopu [3] derived simplified non-linear analysis (so called "second-order theory") of composite beams with interlayer slips, which enables only an approximate buckling load of the composite beam to be calculated.
The paper presents a computational model and a computer program developed
for the geometrically exact and materially non-linear analysis of composite
structures with interlayer slips. A special attention is devoted to the
buckling load of axially compressed layered wood columns. In order to
analyse such a composite structure with a sufficient accuracy, new finite
element, based on Reissner's theory of beams, is developed. Equation det
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