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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 81
Paper 191
Upper and Lower Bounds to the Collapse Load of Masonry Bridges Taking into Account Arch-Fill Interaction A. Cavicchi
Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, University of Genova, Italy Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
A. Cavicchi, "Upper and Lower Bounds to the Collapse Load of Masonry Bridges Taking into Account Arch-Fill Interaction", in B.H.V. Topping, (Editor), "Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 191, 2005. doi:10.4203/ccp.81.191
Keywords: limit analysis, lower bound, upper bound, finite element analysis, masonry bridges, collapse load.
Model scale and full scale tests [1,2] have shown that arch-fill interaction in
masonry bridges often has a fundamental role at bridge collapse, furnishing a large
contribution to the strength resources. Two numerical procedures based on the static
and kinematical theorem of limit analysis are proposed in order to evaluate lower
and upper bounds on the load carrying capacity of multi-span masonry bridges
taking into account the arch-fill interaction. The bridge is modelled as a
two-dimensional structural system composed by no tensile resistamt (NTR) and ductile in compression
masonry arches and piers interacting with a cohesive-frictional fill. Statically
admissible stress fields and kinematically admissible velocity fields are obtained via
a finite element discretization of the bridge. Arches and piers are modelled by
two-noded beam elements based on the assumption of NTR and ductile in compression
material. The fill is discretized by triangular and interface elements, as proposed in [3,4,5].
This approach extends the standard finite element limit analysis [6,7] to
include discontinuities [8,9] and offers the advantage of increasing the density of the
degrees of freedom in the discrete model; this prevents locking phenomena [10] in
the compatible model without having to resort to mixed formulations [11,12] or to
higher order finite elements [13]. Interface elements are also located between the fill
and the arches at their extrados to model possible velocity jumps. Finally, the
piecewise linearization of the limit domains has been applied in order to obtain the
maximum statically admissible load multiplier and the minimum kinematically
admissible load multiplier as solutions of linear programming problems.
In the example the simulation of an experimental collapse test on an existing single span bridge [14] is presented and discussed. The results obtained from the static approach are compared to the results obtained from the kinematic approach. Both the assumptions of plane strain and plane stress fill are considered, in order to evaluate the effects of the out of plane boundary conditions on the collapse load. Finally, the dependence of the load carrying capacity on the mechanical parameters of the fill and of the masonry is analysed and discussed. References
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