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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 79
Paper 138
Modelling of Unconstrained Cylindrical Bending Processes using the Finite Element Method G. Giuliano and S. Turchetta
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Cassino, Italy Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
G. Giuliano, S. Turchetta, "Modelling of Unconstrained Cylindrical Bending Processes using the Finite Element Method", in B.H.V. Topping, C.A. Mota Soares, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 138, 2004. doi:10.4203/ccp.79.138
Keywords: bending, experiments, finite element method, spring-back.
Because of the low cost of the blank, sheet metal forming is a very popular
process and is widely used by the sheet metal industry to create a large number of
products. Bending is a forming process by which a variety of different shapes can be
manufactured. Unconstrained cylindrical bending is a process in which a punch
bends a metal sheet pressing it to the bottom of the die. In this process there is no
blank holder so that deformation is bending dominant [1].
In the bending process the stress state is extremely complex. When the forming punch is retracted, the elastic components of the stress cause spring-back that increases the angle of the bent part.
In this paper, a series of experiments have been performed on a laboratory special
apparatus realized for bending testing. The machining has been performed through a
spindle that moves along three axes X, Y, Z. The spindle performs the movements,
along the axes X and Y, necessary to locate the punch in axis with the matrix and it
performs the bending operation by effecting the punch stroke along the axis Z. With
this test apparatus, a very accurate punch force registration is possible. The
experiments were carried out using a 2024-T3 aluminium alloy rectangular blank at
constant velocity of punch. In order to study the influence of punch velocity, a range
of five different velocities is used. For every set of test three repetitions have been
carried out. The repeatability of the tests is resulted satisfactory, since the errors in
the determination of the forces as to the average percentage are not superior to 5%.
The tests have been followed by the bending angle measurement. The average
percentage is resulted equal to 107 In this paper the possibility of simulating the unconstrained cylindrical bending with the finite element method is presented. The possibility of controlling the bend angle by using finite element method allows to bend sheets to different angles varying the geometry of the tools. The main goal of the finite element simulation of the bending process is to calculate the required punch force and the spring-back of formed parts. The spring-back is studied in this paper by using a 2D elasto-plastic finite element program and quadrilateral elements in plane-strain state are employed [2]. The first simulation modelled to demonstrate the robustness of the finite element method showed very good agreement with the experimental results. The spring-back amount varies largely and almost linearly from 69o to 81o within the examination range of sheet thickness. Furthermore, the effect of die corner radius change shows the insignificant variation in the spring-back amount within the examination range. References
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