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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 79
Paper 122
Thin-Walled Member Plastic Bifurcation Analysis using Generalised Beam Theory R. Gonçalves+ and D. Camotim*
+Technology School of Barreiro, Polytechnical Institute of Setúbal, Barreiro, Portugal
Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
, "Thin-Walled Member Plastic Bifurcation Analysis using Generalised Beam Theory", in B.H.V. Topping, C.A. Mota Soares, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 122, 2004. doi:10.4203/ccp.79.122
Keywords: Generalized Beam Theory (GBT), thin-walled members, non-linear elastic-plastic members, plastic buckling, local-plate modes, distortional modes, global modes.
Most cold-formed metal members display very slender thin-walled cross-sections, a
feature making them highly susceptible to both local (local-plate and distortional)
and global buckling phenomena. In fact, their structural efficiency is greatly affected
by these phenomena. Moreover, unlike carbon (mild) steels, aluminium and stainless
steel alloys display non-linear elastic-plastic stress-strain relationships, often exhibiting
a considerable amount of strain hardening. This material difference implies that
buckling (bifurcation) frequently occurs in the non-linear (elastic-plastic) range and,
therefore, it is necessary to account for the material non-linear behaviour along the
fundamental equilibrium path. Up until now, the structural analysis of such thin-walled
members was only possible by resorting to computationally intensive numerical
techniques, essentially adopting fine meshes of either shell elements or finite strips.
The Generalized Beam Theory (GBT), originally developed by Schardt (1989) and subsequently employed by Davies et al. (1996, 1998) and Silvestre & Camotim (2002, 2003, 2004), has proven to be a rather powerful, elegant and clarifying analytical tool to study the local and global (elastic) bifurcation, dynamic and post-buckling behaviour of cold-formed steel members. However, up until last year, the available GBT formulations could only be applied to linear elastic members and, for instance, it was not possible to use them to analyse members made of non-linear materials. This limitation was (partially) overcome by the authors (2003, 2004), who derived and numerically implemented a materially non-linear GBT formulation, specifically aimed at studying the buckling behaviour of thin-walled members acted by simple loadings (e.g., columns or doubly symmetric beams under uniform compression or bending). In this paper, an extension the above materially non-linear GBT formulation is derived, numerically implemented and illustrated. This extended formulation makes it possible to analyse the buckling (bifurcation) behaviour of open and closed (single-cell hollow) thin-walled elastic-plastic members subjected to more general loading conditions than before (e.g., members subjected to non-uniform internal force and moment diagrams). Indeed, the loading conditions that can be considered are now only restricted by the basic hypothesis of the available plastic buckling theory for elastic-plastic solids, which states that no unloading may take place along the fundamental equilibrium path (Hill 1958). When describing the main steps involved in the derivation of this novel materially non-linear GBT formulation, particular attention is paid to the implications of the non-linear constitutive modelling in the GBT procedure, namely in the cross-section and member analyses.
Concerning the GBT member analysis, the paper also presents the development
of a 2-node bar (beam) finite element, which is based on the use of Hermite cubic
polynomials to approximate each mode rate amplitude function and has 4
After performing the GBT cross-section analysis and defining the member tangent
stiffness and geometric matrices (
Finally, in order to illustrate the application and capabilities of the proposed non-linear GBT formulation and bar FEM numerical implementation, several numerical
results (critical stresses/loads and buckling mode shapes) are presented and discussed.
They concern the buckling behaviour of (i) elastic-plastic uniformly compressed simply
supported rectangular plates, (ii) elastic and elastic-plastic simply supported RHS
beams under uniform major axis bending and (iii) elastic lipped channel cantilevers
subjected to point loads applied at the shear centre of the free end section. While in the
first two (simply supported) cases sinusoidal shape functions are used to approximate
the modal rate amplitude functions (they provide exact solutions), the analysis of the
cantilevers employs the bar FEM implementation formulated in this paper. Moreover,
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