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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 79
Paper 80
Frequency Domain Analysis of Geometrically Nonlinear Free Vibrations of 3D Beams P. Ribeiro and R. Lopes Alonso
IDMEC/DEMEGI, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
P. Ribeiro, R. Lopes Alonso, "Frequency Domain Analysis of Geometrically Nonlinear Free Vibrations of 3D Beams", in B.H.V. Topping, C.A. Mota Soares, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 80, 2004. doi:10.4203/ccp.79.80
Keywords: non-linear, free vibrations, beams, torsion, bending, harmonic balance, finite element, p-version.
The finite element method is a powerful numerical tool, and, particularly in
non-linear dynamics, the
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The beam, The theory of Bernoulli-Euler for bending and the Saint-Venant theory for torsion are followed. The geometrical non-linearity is taken into account by considering a simplified version of Green's strain tensor, which ought to be valid for small displacements in the longitudinal direction and for moderate rotation angles. The mass and stiffness matrices are derived by the principle of the virtual work, and the longitudinal inertia is neglected, thus reducing the number of degrees of freedom of the model. The linear natural frequencies in bending and torsion of a particular beam are computed. It is shown that convergence to the exact values is achieved with a reduced number of degrees of freedom. The harmonic balance method is employed to map the non-linear equations of motion into the frequency domain. It is assumed that the generalised displacements can be represented by a Fourier series where the constant term and the first three harmonics are considered. The ensuing algebraic non-linear system of equations is solved by a continuation, predictor-corrector procedure [1,3].
It is known that internal resonances may occur when the natural frequencies are
commensurable, i.e., when they are related by an equation of the type:
For large vibration amplitudes in bending and for small vibration amplitudes in torsion, internal resonances are found in this study. The variations of the bending and torsional non-linear natural frequencies and modes of vibration are investigated. Although the equations of motion present quadratic and cubic non-linear terms, it turned out that the constant term and the second harmonic did not interfere in the motion, because no coupling was found between flexure and torsion, or between flexure in different planes. References
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