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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 79
Paper 50
An Investigation on the Stress Distribution around Holes in Compressively Loaded Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Composite Laminates S. Vijayarangan, V. Krishnaraj, M. Senthil Kumar and A. Ramesh Kumar
Department of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
S. Vijayarangan, V. Krishnaraj, M. Senthil Kumar, A. Ramesh Kumar, "An Investigation on the Stress Distribution around Holes in Compressively Loaded Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Composite Laminates", in B.H.V. Topping, C.A. Mota Soares, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 50, 2004. doi:10.4203/ccp.79.50
Keywords: stress distribution, woven fabric, compressive strength, drilling parameters, carbide drill.
Composite materials are increasingly used in high performance applications
such as space vehicles, aircraft, defense equipment and sports goods because of
superior strength to weight and stiffness to weight ratio. In the present scenario the
usage of reinforced plastics for wider application is increasing. The usage of
composite materials for a specified application relies on the mechanical properties.
Composite materials contain holes of various sizes for joining. Among various
machining process conventional drilling is probably the most frequently used hole
making process in the composites industry. The holes in composite laminates produce
stress concentration. Stress concentrations produced in the laminate around hole will
reduce the mechanical properties and ultimately reduce the load carrying capacity.
Stress concentration is the function of laminate anisotropy, hole geometry and the
drilling parameters. High stress concentration produces complex damage zones
around the hole. The prediction of reduction of mechanical properties caused by holes
is important for composite designers. Thus, it is of significant industrial importance to
predict the effect of drilling on the mechanical properties of composite laminates. A
viable and accurate method for the prediction of mechanical properties of notched
composite laminates does not currently exist.
This work is focused on arriving at the basic mechanical properties of GFRP composites with hole and to evaluate the stress distribution around hole after drilling. The influence of drilling parameters on the compressive strength of Glass Fiber Reinforced-Epoxy (GFRP) woven fabric laminate is analysed. The experiments are done for four different feed rates and four spindle speeds by using a carbide drill. Thirty-two composite specimens are prepared based on the ASTM standards. The specimens are properly machined and fixed with aluminum end tab for load transfer. Strain gauges are fixed at the vicinity of hole to measure the strain. The stress concentrations caused by the presence of hole and compressive failure strength of notched laminate are arrived at theoretically and compared with the experimental values. References
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