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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 79
Paper 41
Non-linear Deformation and Microdamaging of Anisotropic Porous Composites L. Nazarenko
Department of Wave Processes, Institute of Hydromechanics, National Academy of Science, Kiev, Ukraine Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
L. Nazarenko, "Non-linear Deformation and Microdamaging of Anisotropic Porous Composites", in B.H.V. Topping, C.A. Mota Soares, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 41, 2004. doi:10.4203/ccp.79.41
Keywords: stochastic composites, effective properties, nonlinear deformation.
One of the important problems of mechanics of composite materials is the
investigation of stresses under elevated loads. Such a loading is associated with
accumulation of damage what finally leads to fracture of material. Corresponding
experimental date are reported in [1]. It is also important to have a theoretical
characterization of microdeformations of the material. Then one can predict
macrostresses in the material studied. A survey of theoretical papers dealing with
microcracked elastic materials is presented in the paper [2]. A study of materials
weakened by periodically or randomly distributed microcracks was performed in the
papers [3,4] by using homogenization methods. In the papers [5,6,7] a stochastic
model of microfracture of composite material was proposed. Moreover, an algorithm
enabling the determination of nonlinear effective characteristics of layered composites with
fibres was elaborated. Both the layers and fibres are assumed to be isotropic.
Nonlinear behaviour of porous anisotropic materials was examined in the papers [8,9].
The aim of the present paper is to extend this approach to the case of porous composites with ellipsoidal inclusions. Both the porous matrix and inclusions are transversally isotropic. It is assumed that the matrix or inclusions are porous and the loading processes leads to the accumulation of damage in them. Fractured microvolumes are modelled by a system of randomly distributed quasispherical pores. The porosity balance equation and ratios determinig the effective elastic moduli for the case of transversally isotropic components are considered as basic relations. The effective moduli of such a material are determined using the stochastic equations of elasticity theory and the method of conditional moment functions [10]. Afterwards, on the basis of the combined iterative method and an algorithm enabling the calculation of nonlinear elastic characteristics of the composite considered was elaborated. The fracture criterion is assumed to be given by the limit value of intensity of average shear stresses occurring in the undamaged part of the material. Moreover, it is assumed that the yield strength is the random function of coordinates. The distribution of the functions is given by power-exponential formula. The developed approach is realized with the help of the computational complex including modern personal computers. As an example, we shall construct the nonlinear diagrams of macro-deformation and research the behaviour of a transversally-isotropic porous material for biaxial expansion. The results of numerical calculations are presented in the form of figures which depict the dependence of macrostresses on macrodeformations for various factors such as porosity, volume concentration of phases and parameters of material strength scatter. References
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