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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433
CCP: 77
Edited by: B.H.V. Topping
Paper 139

EuroCADcrete, a Concrete Exercise with the Help of Computer Aided Learning

R. Weener+ and B. Kumar*

+Matrix Software B.V. Nijmegen, The Netherlands
*School of the Built and Natural Environment, Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland

Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
R. Weener, B. Kumar, "EuroCADcrete, a Concrete Exercise with the Help of Computer Aided Learning", in B.H.V. Topping, (Editor), "Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 139, 2003. doi:10.4203/ccp.77.139
Keywords: structural analysis, CAD, concrete structures, Euro Code, CAL, computer aided learning.

euroCADcrete is an interactive design exercise in structural engineering with reinforced concrete. The level of this exercise aims to reflect the abilities a student should have at the end of a bachelor course in civil or structural engineering. The exercise addresses the design process, the structural integrity of the design and the economy. As an interactive Computer Aided Learning tool, euroCADcrete can be used as courseware on an institute network and individually at home. It will be a sufficient self-explaining program using tutors on several levels, to guarantee a minimum of staff attendance and a maximum of learning effect.

Students in Civil engineering should not only have theoretical knowledge, they also need practice in designing and detailing components of concrete structures to enhance their work experience. To reduce costs and time of university education staff, EuroCADcrete is especially designed to fulfill these goals; therefore it has been part of the curriculum for the education of civil engineers at the Delft University of Technology for the last three years. This year a consortium with Universities from Glasgow, Rome, Torino, Munich, Vilnius as well as ECSN (European Concrete Society Network) with financial funding by the Leonardo da Vincy programme started a further development an dissemination of euroCADcrete.

ECSN, "Trans National Training and Technology Scan (TTT-scan)". Final report for the Leonardo da Vincy Programme (CLEO), Brussels, Belgium, 1998
Galjaard ir. H.J.C., Vos Prof. ir. C.J. and Kunst Drs. S., "EuroCADcrete, an improved design exercise in reinforced concrete", CIB W78 IABSE EG-SEA-AI, ISBN 9979-9174-3-1. Reykjavik, 2000
Galjaard ir. H.J.C. , Vos Prof. ir C.J. and Weener ir. R.J., "euroCADcrete, Evaluatie van resultaten en enquete antwoorden, van een proef met 111 studenten in het studiejaar 1999-2000 in Delft". TU-Delft, Department of Civil engineering and Geosciences, 2000.
Weener ir. R.J., "The concept of hierarchical levels; an overall concept for a full automatic concrete design including the education of concrete. The case MatrixFrame versus euroCADcrete", CIB W78 IABSE EG-SEA-AI, ISBN 9979-9174-3-1. Reykjavik June 28-30, 2000
Weener ir. R.J., "euroCADcrete, a computer aided learning tool for education in reinforced concrete", ECPPM 2002 eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, Edited by Ziga Turk & Raimar Scherer. ISBN 90 5809 507 X. Lisse, The Netherlands, 2002

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