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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 77
Paper 137
A Low-Cost Parallel Architecture, the Hybrid System, for Solving a Large Linear Matrix System C.S. Leo+, G. Leedham+, C.J. Leo* and H. Schroder$
+School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
C.S. Leo, G. Leedham, C.J. Leo, H. Schroder, "A Low-Cost Parallel Architecture, the Hybrid System, for Solving a Large Linear Matrix System", in B.H.V. Topping, (Editor), "Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 137, 2003. doi:10.4203/ccp.77.137
Keywords: parallelization, speedup, Gauss-LU, hybrid system, cluster.
In this paper, a high-speed computation algorithm is proposed for solving
a large NxN matrix system using the MIMD-SIMD Hybrid System. The
MIMD-SIMD Hybrid System (also denoted as Hybrid System in this paper) is a new
parallel architecture consisting of a combination of Cluster of Workstations
(COWs) and SIMD systems working concurrently to produce an optimal parallel
The proposed Hybrid System is an extended form of parallel architecture in that it is a combination of both Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) and Multiple Instruction Multiple Data (MIMD) systems.
The concept of the Hybrid System architecture is to make use of standard `Off-The-Shelf' components and thereby making the hardware easily maintainable and also low cost. We have implemented such a prototype Hybrid System and have named this new cluster the Hybrid 4PE Cluster. As the name implies, the Hybrid 4PE Cluster, involves using 4 PCs networked together. In each PC, a Systola 1024 card is installed for fine granularity (See Figure 137.1). The Systola 1024 make use of the Instruction Systolic Array concept for processing and details are given in the paper. In introducing the Hybrid System, therefore, also comes a need to develop or at the very least modify existing algorithms, for solving a large NxN matrix system that are routinely required in analysis of engineering problems of practical interest. This paper presents the implementation a parallel algorithm known as the Gauss-LU algorithm. The algorithm integrates a modified Gauss-Jordan Elimination routine and a subsequent routine performing the LU factorization. Table 137.1 shows the results of the Hybrid 4PE Cluster system processing time using the Gauss-LU algorithm.
Currently, the Systola 1024 is still in a prototype stage and there are plans to enhance it further. With increased performance of this SIMD or any other SIMD system, it can be expected that the performance of speedup can be increased significantly more. In the design of this algorithm, most of the computational task is performed in the SIMD with limited task in the MIMD. The task in the MIMD is confined mainly to the computation of the matrix inverse and loading data into the SIMD. As much of these tasks are performed in parallel with the SIMD (double parallelization), there are therefore little overheads incurred by the PC clusters. A detailed derivation of the Hybrid Speedup performance has been derived and established previously [1]. References
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