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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 77
Paper 19
On Multi-Field Approximation Methods G. Romano, F. Marotti de Sciarra and M. Diaco
Faculty of Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy G. Romano, F. Marotti de Sciarra, M. Diaco, "On Multi-Field Approximation Methods", in B.H.V. Topping, (Editor), "Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 19, 2003. doi:10.4203/ccp.77.19
Keywords: Hu-Washizu, well-posedness, approximation, convergence.
A three-field approximate method for the analysis of linear elastostatic
problems is analysed on the basis of the Hu-Washizu principle.
A discussion on existence and uniqueness of the
solution of the discrete problem is developed with reference to the mixed formulation following the approach
presented in [1].
The analysis performed in this paper shows that the three-field mixed problem can be split in a reduced problem, formulated in terms of strains and stresses, and in a displacement recovery problem depending on the solution of the previous one. A basic issue which has been only partially treated in the literature is the one concerning the well-posedness of discrete mixed problems. Here well-posedness means existence and uniqueness of the discrete solution for any data. A full discussion of well-posedness is provided in this paper and necessary and sufficient conditions are contributed. Further, by a suitable specialization of known results [1], error bound estimates in the energy norm are provided. A peculiar feature of the finite element method is that well-posedness and convergence properties must be assessed in terms of the shape functions defined in the reference element since the assembly operation is a priori unknown. This issue is discussed in the last part of the paper and sufficient applicable criteria are provided. Previous treatments of three-field methods in the finite element literature are quoted in the textbook of Zienkiewicz and Taylor [2]. A rough necessary nonsingularity condition of the structural matrix is provided in terms of the dimension of the interpolating subspaces. This condition is usually referred to as a rank condition. More recently, a three-field method, labelled Mixed Enhanced Strain (MES) method, has been proposed by Kasper and Taylor in [3] and applied to some numerical benckmarks. Anyway no well-posedness and convergence analysis has been carried out in [3]. The treatment of the MES method discussed in [3] appears to be strongly influenced by the presentation of the enhanced assumed strain (EAS) method proposed by Simo and Rifai in [4]. A critical analysis of the EAS method and a new mixed formulation has been recently contributed by the authors in [5,6,7]. Finally, finite element approximations of two-dimensional elastostatic problems are discussed and a sufficient convergence criteria for Q1 elements is assessed. Two-dimensional elastostatic problems, commonly adopted in the literature as significant benchmarks, are investigated to get numerical evidence about convergence of the method. References
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