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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433
CCP: 76
Edited by: B.H.V. Topping and Z. Bittnar
Paper 2

The Creation of Novel Images of Product Shapes from the Design Aspect Space Activated by Non-Linear Dynamics

K. Sakita+ and M. Igoshi*

+Department of Information Systems Science, Soka University, Tokyo, Japan
*Department of Precision Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan

Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
K. Sakita, M. Igoshi, "The Creation of Novel Images of Product Shapes from the Design Aspect Space Activated by Non-Linear Dynamics", in B.H.V. Topping, Z. Bittnar, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 2, 2002. doi:10.4203/ccp.76.2
Keywords: industrial design, shape image creation, design process, design parameter, design aspect space, chaotic dynamics, non-linear dynamics.

Image effects play important roles in human creative thinking processes. U. Neisser uses the term "image (schema)" to indicate the dynamic structure for extracting the information from the environment. Idea development process of product shape in industrial design is a creative thinking process.

The design parameter vector defines the attributes of the product which is designed. The design aspect vector represents the collection of usable aspects that should be considered when the product is designed. But design parameter vector is not able to bring the complete shape of the product. In order to make the complete shape of the product, it is necessary to introduce the concrete images [1]. The design parameter vector makes n-dimensional design parameter space. And the design aspect vector makes the N-dimensional design aspect space. The design parameter space and the design aspect space are proposed in this thesis. The concrete images are connected and arranged on the axis of the coordinate system of the design aspect space and design parameter space according to the distance between images. The attributes of the product and the concrete images are coupled in the axis of the design aspect space and design parameter space. Also the design aspect space is the image world. The image from the environment is represented by the design parameter space which includes the attributes and concrete images for each freedom. When the new image is acquired from the environment into the image world (design aspect space), the new image oscillates the design aspect space according to the design parameters of the new image. And the concrete images of the new image from the environment are stored and arranged in the design aspect space. The billiard subject [2] of the non-linear dynamics (chaotic dynamics) is modified and applied into the design aspect space in this thesis. A billiard ball moves in the design aspect space. The essential of chaos is jump and folding of the movement. Jump and folding of chaos make a minute structure of movement. Poincaré's resonance leads the chaotic movement of the billiard ball. When Poincaré's resonance occurs between freedoms of the design aspect space, the concrete images in the design aspect space are exchanged between the other freedoms or within the same freedom. This process makes the minute structure of the concrete images in the design aspect space. The chaos constructs and changes the image world. The possibility of creation of the novel image is made in the design aspect space.

In order to represent the concrete images of the design parameter space and design aspect space, the shape model which represents the three dimensional product shape by equi-potential surface of point charge models and computer hologram is applied [3]. The method which represents the two dimensional image by using point charge models and computer hologram is proposed. If the specific design parameter vector is given, the new product shape is created from the changed image world (design aspect space). The new product shape is reconstructed by the computer hologram merged from computer holograms which represent concrete images.

Sakita, K., Igoshi, M., "Product shape image creation system for industrial design using emergent process", Proceedings of ICED 01, Glasgow, UK, 533-540, 2001.
Shimojyo, T., "Introduction to Chaotic Dynamics", Kindaikagaku-sha Company Ltd., Tokyo, Japan, 1998.
Sakita, K., Takada, K., Dantas, D.O., Igoshi, M., "Shape model for product development system of industrial design using computer holograms", VDI Report 1569 � Product Development in the Real World, VDI-EKV, Munich, Germany, 213-219, 2000.

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