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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 75
Paper 85
Linear and Quadratic Potential Variation in a New Piezoelectric Eight Node Finite Element O. Polit and I. Bruant
LMpX, Université Paris X, Ville d'Avray, France Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
O. Polit, I. Bruant, "Linear and Quadratic Potential Variation in a New Piezoelectric Eight Node Finite Element", in B.H.V. Topping, Z. Bittnar, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 85, 2002. doi:10.4203/ccp.75.85
Keywords: finite element, multilayered plates, piezoelectric, potential function approximation, static and modal analysis.
This paper deals with the problem of multilayered plates with piezoelectric actuators
and sensors. Development of new numerical tools for analysing non-homogeneous
structures is very important since few years and a survey of beam, plate and shell
finite elements available for this kind of coupled field problems are given
in [1,2]. The
aim of this work is about the development of a new computational tool without any
classical numerical pathologies in the field of finite element, simple to use and very
efficient for both convergence velocity and accuracy for a very low cost. Two different
plate finite elements have been previously presented for mechanical analysis :
![]() Therefore, a new plate finite element is defined in order to analyse this kind of coupled problems for both moderately thick and thin plates without any pathologies of classical plate finite elements (shear locking, membrane locking, spurious modes, ...). It is based on the papers [3,4]. The potential function is approximated using the layers-wise approach and is quadratic with respect to the in-plane coordinates : one degree of freedom at each node. Two kinds of finite element approximations for the potential with respect to the thickness co-ordinate are studied in this work :
In order to evaluate the efficiency of these finite elements, some static and dynamic tests have been conducted about the cylindrical bending of laminated plates and compared with reference solutions, given in [7]. The numerical simulations are about a monomorph plate (PZT4 material) and two sandwich plates with piezoelectric skins and elastic core (Zn0+/SI/Zn0- ; PZT4/Epoxy/PZT4 materials). Simply supported opposite ends with mechanical and/or electric loads are used in all the static tests and free vibrations analysis are also conducted. Results obtained are in very good agreement and show the efficiency of these new finite elements for both displacements and potential function. Furthermore, linear and quadratic variations of the potential function in each layer are also evaluated. For the monomorph tests, the results obtained using the quadratic variation are more accurate with less dof than using the linear variation. In the case of the sandwich tests, results are of same accuracy for both approximations. References
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