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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 75
Paper 75
Relaxation and Block-Relaxation Procedures for the Dual Formulation of the Signorini-Coulomb Frictional Contact P. Bisegna+, F. Lebon* and F. Maceri+
+Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Università Rome 2 `Tor Vergata', Rome, Italy
P. Bisegna, F. Lebon, F. Maceri, "Relaxation and Block-Relaxation Procedures for the Dual Formulation of the Signorini-Coulomb Frictional Contact", in B.H.V. Topping, Z. Bittnar, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 75, 2002. doi:10.4203/ccp.75.75
Keywords: unilateral contact, friction, dual formulation, equilibrium finite elements, block-relaxation.
The aim of this lecture is to present a formulation and associated numerical
methods to solve unilateral contact problems with dry friction. Unilateral contact and
friction are modeled by Signorini and Coulomb laws. Signorini's law of unilateral
contact and Coulomb's law of friction constitute a simple and useful framework for the
analysis of unilateral frictional contact problems of a linearly elastic body with a
rigid support [5]. We have developed techniques based on primal or dual
formulations. It seems useful, from a mechanical point of view, to develop techniques
based on dual formulations, because one computes directly the stresses which are
quantities of interest. The continuous and discrete dual formulations of this problem
lead to a quasi-variational inequalities, whose unknowns, after condensation, are the
normal and tangential contact forces at points/nodes of the initial contact area
[1,3,4,6]. New numerical solution methods, based on iterative
relaxation and block-relaxation techniques, are proposed [4,7]. The
relaxation procedure is a succession of local minimizations in given convexes. The
definition of the convex of constraints, which is a cylinder, varies for tangential or
normal components. This algorithm seems very robust. At the typical step of the
block-relaxation iteration, two sub-problems are solved one after the other: the former
is a problem of friction with given normal forces, and the latter is a problem of
unilateral contact with prescribed tangential forces. Both of them are standard
problems of quadratic programming. This method is the dual version of the famous
PANA algorithm [2]. We have proved that for sufficiently small friction
coefficients, the typical step of the iteration is shown to be a contraction. The
contraction principle is used to establish the well-posedness of the discrete dual
condensed formulation, to prove the convergence of the proposed algorithm, and to
obtain an estimate of the convergence rate.
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