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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 75
Paper 48
Influence of Subsoil on Tuning Base Isolation Devices for Civil Structures A. Baratta and I. Corbi
Department of ``Scienza delle Costruzioni", University of Naples ``Federico II", Naples, Italy Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
A. Baratta, I. Corbi, "Influence of Subsoil on Tuning Base Isolation Devices for Civil Structures", in B.H.V. Topping, Z. Bittnar, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 48, 2002. doi:10.4203/ccp.75.48
Keywords: seismic engineering, vibration control, base-isolation, subsoil properties, spectral density functions, constrained optimisation, Kanai-Tajimi spectrum.
Seismic stress attenuation can be achieved by a number of passive control
approaches. Base-isolation is, at present, one of the most efficient and economic
passive devices able to dissipate most of the disturbance energy without damage to
the protected super-structure.
The performance of base-isolation devices in mitigating inertia forces due to intense earthquakes strongly depends on the proper calibration of the isolator own frequency, that should be carefully dimensioned taking into account both the dynamical characteristics of the superstructure and the frequency content of the expected disturbance. Generally speaking, the isolator should dissipate energy at frequencies dynamically interacting with the structure and transmit only energy acting in a frequency range that poorly excites the structure. Anyway one should emphasize that a first isolator is always present in all buildings, consisting of the surface layers of the ground on which the building is founded. Actually it is important to take into account, in the design stage of the isolator, the interaction effects between the structure itself and the soil characterizing the site, since this behaves like a filter as regards to the incoming seismic excitation, mainly affecting its frequency composition and, definitively, its overall dynamic character. Under this perspective, the influence of the sub-soil mechanical properties on the performance of base-isolation systems is investigated in the paper. The earthquake disturbance is assumed to be modelled as a coloured weakly stationary stochastic process, whose average spectral density is assumed to be a Kanai-Tajimi curve. The shaping parameters of this spectrum can be related, as well known, to the macro- character of the surface ground layers. The energy transmitted to the superstructure, compared to the energy filtered by the isolator, can be measured by the cross/auto correlation functions of the response degrees of freedom, that are presented in closed-form, allowing to prevent gross errors in the energy evaluation, calculated by integration of the spectral density functions. On this basis, one approaches the problem of properly designing a seismic isolation device with reference both to the structure dynamic characters and to the ground input expected macro-properties, which can be deducted by the availability of data relevant to the subsoil filtering capacity. A procedure for optimal design of the isolator is set up in the frequency domain, based on evaluation of energetic quantities, resulting in an effective and flexible approach. References
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