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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 75
Paper 41
Application of the Dynamic Finite Element Formulation in Flutter Analysis of Wings S.M. Hashemi and H. Alighanbari
Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Industrial Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
S.M. Hashemi, H. Alighanbari, "Application of the Dynamic Finite Element Formulation in Flutter Analysis of Wings", in B.H.V. Topping, Z. Bittnar, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 41, 2002. doi:10.4203/ccp.75.41
Keywords: coupled vibrations, wing, flutter, frequency coalescence, DFE method, DSM formulation, numerical aeroelasticity.
The vibration and flutter behavior of wings for which the elastic
or flexural axis is not coincident with the inertial axis are
characterized by a combination of bending translation and
torsional rotation. Naturally, it is very important to take into
account the coupling effects in vibration and response
calculations of structures made up of these beams. This is
particularly so for aeroelastic problems associated with aircraft
wing (with cantilever end conditions) and this problem has been
investigated by many researchers and various approaches have been
In the so-called normal mode method the coupled bending-torsional modes are required for flutter analysis of an aircraft wing [1,2]. For approximate solutions one may discretize the system by either the lumped-mass method [2] or one of the methods based on the assumed deformation shapes. The latter category includes the Rayleigh-Ritz method [3], the Galerkin method [1], and the Finite Element Method (FEM) [4] where wing structure element matrices are evaluated from assumed fixed shape functions (like polynomials). A generalized linear eigenvalue problem then results and one can evaluate the natural frequencies and modes of vibration of the structure which are ultimately used to write down the flutter equation of the problem. Alternatively, the Dynamic Stiffness Matrix (DSM) method can be used to evaluate the natural modes of vibration of the wing structure [5,6,7,8]. Obviously the method gives more accurate results because it exploits the exact member theory. A generalized nonlinear eigenvalue problem then results. But it implies, sometimes, mathematical procedures which are difficult to deal with, and/or are often limited to special cases. The Dynamic Finite Element (DFE) approach in vibration analysis of beam assemblies is well established [9,10]. The DFE formulation proved to produce the accurate solutions for coupled flexural-torsional vibration of beams, and for structures composed of such beam elements. This method, presented as an intermediate approach, combines the generality of the well known "weighted residual method" procedure, as used in the FEM, and the high precision provided by DSM method. The weighting functions and shape functions are evaluated referring to the appropriate exact DSM formulation. The eigenvalue problem resulting from this method, is also a nonlinear one. The DFE approach can be extended to more complex cases which distinguishes this method from the DSM method [10]. The aim of this investigation is to extend the DFE methodology to the vibration analysis of wings in the presence of aerodynamic forces. Some effects of unsteady aerodynamic forces are then taken into account. To simplify the problem, all the structural and aerodynamic damping terms are neglected. The remaining terms, in this case, represent the added stiffness and inertia of the system. It is shown that by increasing the air speed the first two frequencies of the system change, and near the flutter condition they come together. This scenario is very well in agreement with the coalescence flutter. Based on the proposed dynamic shape functions, the principle of virtual work (PVW) and the weighted residual method, it would be possible to extend the DFE method to more complex cases including damping effects and variable structural parameters. References
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