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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 75
Paper 25
Effect of Geometry Change on the Creep Failure Life of Internally Pressurised Pipes T.H. Hyde, W. Sun and A.A. Becker
School of Mechanical, Materials, Manufacturing Engineering & Management, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
T.H. Hyde, W. Sun, A.A. Becker, "Effect of Geometry Change on the Creep Failure Life of Internally Pressurised Pipes", in B.H.V. Topping, Z. Bittnar, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 25, 2002. doi:10.4203/ccp.75.25
Keywords: creep, damage, failure life, finite element analysis, pressurised pipe, geometric non-linearity.
Plain pipe structures are key elements in the high temperature piping systems
of power and chemical plants. One of the main concerns in the design of these
pipes is the ability to accurately predict the service life of the pipes, under creep
conditions. The normal design rule for both thick and thin walled pressurised
pipes is based on the mean diameter hoop stress. Very few pipe failures have
occurred in practice, clearly showing the conservatism of the design rules [1]. In
this context, there is a need to reappraise the potential creep life of simple
pressurised pipe structures based on less conservative methods to achieve the
maximum economic benefit whilst ensuring safe operation. Simplified
techniques have been developed, such as those based on steady-state reference
rupture stresses [2,3], aiming to produce alternative criteria for life assessment or
Finite element analyses using Norton's law and damage mechanics constitutive equations have been widely used to study the deformation, stress redistribution and failure behaviour of internally pressurised plain pipes and related components under creep conditions (e.g. [3,4,5]). These analyses are normally based on the assumption that the pipe dimensions remain unchanged during creep (small deformation cases) and the effects of geometry change on the creep behaviour of the internally pressurised pipe components have not yet been investigated; these effects may be significant on the stress distributions and failure life predictions. For example, under constant applied loading (internal pressure and end pressure, say), ignoring the geometry change, stationary state creep solutions can be obtained when Norton's law is employed in the FE analysis, and constant stress distributions with time can be obtained. However, if the change in geometry is considered, the total loading due to the constant pressures (controlled by the pipe system) will change, as a result of the change in pipe diameters and subsequently the cross-sectional area. In this case, the linear relationships between the strain or deformation and time will not exist. It is clearly of interest to understand the influence of geometry changes on the stress distribution and failure behaviour of pipes or related components, such as pipes with circumferential welds or pipe bends.
In this paper, the influence of the geometry change during creep of simple
internally pressurised plain pipes is investigated using finite element (FE) creep
damage analyses, by including a geometric non-linearity function in the
analyses. The validity of the FE analyses is demonstrated by comparing the
results obtained using an iterative approach with those obtained from FE
solutions in the uniaxial case. Results of the failure life obtained using the
material properties for a CrMoV pipe steel at 640 References
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