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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 74
Paper 33
Prediction of Collapse Potential via Artificial Neural Networks G. Habibagahi and M. Taherian
Department of Civil Engineering, Shiraz University, Iran Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
G. Habibagahi, M. Taherian, "Prediction of Collapse Potential via Artificial Neural Networks", in B.H.V. Topping, B. Kumar, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Civil and Structural Engineering", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 33, 2001. doi:10.4203/ccp.74.33
Keywords: geotechnical, collapse, neural network, unsaturated soils, volume change.
Collapse defined as the additional deformation of soils when wetted is believed to be
responsible for damage to the buildings resting on compacted fills as well as failure
in embankments and earth dams. Despite the considerable amount of work done in
this area, the functional relationship between various soil parameters and the amount
of collapse deformation is not well established and the exact interrelationship is still
a matter of speculation. Neural network as a computational tool has proved to be
capable of establishing a relationship between a series of input data and the
corresponding outputs no matter how complex this relationship may be. Hence, this
method is employed in this paper to investigate the collapse potential of unsaturated
In this paper, three different types of neural networks, namely, conventional back-
propagation neural network (BPNN), recurrent neural network (RNN), and
generalized neural network (GRNN) are employed as computational tools to predict
the amount of collapse and to investigate the influence of various parameters on the
collapse potential. In order to arrive at a robust neural network, a comprehensive
database is required apriori. Therefore, 192 series of single oedometer test were
carried out on three soils with different initial conditions and inundated at different
applied pressures to serve as the required database. The soils tested were classified
as clay with low plasticity having different gradation curves. Initial dry densities of
the samples varied from
A single hidden layer was adopted for BPNN and RNN. Currently, there is no rule to determine the optimum number of hidden neurons. However, there are two approaches to arrive at the optimum number of hidden neurons. The first approach starts with a network with a large number of hidden neurons and then "pruning" the network by reducing the number of hidden neurons to arrive at the final network architecture. The second approach, on the contrary, starts with a network with a minimal number of neurons in the hidden layer and increases the network size in steps by adding a single hidden neuron each time and examining the network performance. This process is continued until there is no further improvement in the network performance. In this study, the latter approach was adopted to determine the number of hidden neurons. Based on this approach, a network with six neurons had the best performance for back-propagation type network, BPNN6, and a network with four neurons had the best performance for recurrent type network, RNN4. GRNN has a fixed number of neurons in the hidden layer, equal in number to the number of training datasets present in the database. BPNN6 had the best performance in predicting the testing datasets while GRNN had the best performance for the training datasets. Generalization capability is of utmost importance in any modelling technique. BPNN6 showed the best prediction capability for testing datasets (best generalization capability) and having a reasonable performance for the training datasets as well. Therefore, BPNN6 was selected as the superior network for assessing the collapse potential of unsaturated soils.
Next, efficacy of the selected neural network was verified by comparing the
predicted results with some of the existing empirical relationships. These empirical
relationships had been obtained by different investigators via statistical analysis of
the collapse data. The comparison indicates superiority of the proposed approach in
terms of the accuracy of prediction. Moreover, by analysing the network connection
weights, relative importance of different parameters on collapse potential was
assessed. Based on this analysis, for a given soil type, the initial dry unit weight,
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