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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 73
Paper 85
Local Error Estimator for Stresses in 3D Structural Analysis E. Florentin, L. Gallimard, P. Ladevèze and J.P. Pelle
LMT Cachan, Université Paris VI, Cachan, France Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
, "Local Error Estimator for Stresses in 3D Structural Analysis", in B.H.V. Topping, (Editor), "Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 85, 2001. doi:10.4203/ccp.73.85
Keywords: stress local error, finite element analysis, linear elasticity.
A major concern in the mechanical field has always been to control the quality
of finite element computations. For linear analysis, several methods have been
developped. Three main approaches have been introduced: error in the constitutive relation
(see [1]), residuals methods [2] and estimators based on stress recovery
Although these error estimators have proved to be efficient in the estimation of the global error, they do not involve local errors, for instance on the stresses. Such global information is totally insufficient for mechanical design. The accuracy of the solution is assessed in terms of local quantities that are of practical interest for engineers in many design criteria. The knowledge of the local error is both an industrial priority and a key issue in research. The concept of pollution was introduced by Babuska and Strouboulis [4,5]. In [6,7,8,9], other approaches leading to local error estimation have been proposed. All these methods involve calculation of an influence function. This influence function, obtained through an approximate computation leads to quantities of interest such as stress, displacement, intensity factor, ... A different approach for stress local error evaluation exists. This approach was introduced and implemented in [8] for 2D problems. It is based on the concept of error on the constitutive relation and associated techniques to recover enhanced statically admissible stress field from the finite element solution and the data. The principle of error on the constitutive relation relies on splitting the equations of the problem to be solved in two groups:
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The finite element displacement field A technique of construction of an enhanced statically admissible stress field was developped in [10] and extented to 2D plasticity problems in [11]. This technique leads to a new generation of error on the constitutive relation that presents very good global effectivity indexes as well as very good local effectivity indexes (i.e. effectivity indexe computed on a mesh element). This enhanced technique is used to compute an upper bound of the local errors on stresses [8]. A first extension to 3-D problems considering linear tetrahedric elements was performed in [12]. In this paper a further step is done studying other classical 3-D finite elements. It is shown that the local constitutive error estimator gives a satisfactory practical upper bound on significants examples. References
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