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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 73
Paper 72
Special Finite Elements for High Frequency Elastodynamic Problems: First Numerical Experiments O. Laghrouche+, P. Bettess+ and D. Le Houédec*
+School of Engineering, University of Durham, United Kingdom
Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
, "Special Finite Elements for High Frequency Elastodynamic Problems: First Numerical Experiments", in B.H.V. Topping, (Editor), "Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 72, 2001. doi:10.4203/ccp.73.72
Keywords: wave propagation, finite element, plane wave approximation, economic modelling.
In order to solve wave problems using finite elements, it is usually necessary to
discretize the domain such that there are at least ten nodal points per wavelength. However,
such a procedure is computationally expensive and impractical for high frequency problems.
The goal is to develop finite elements capable of containing many wavelengths per nodal spacing
and therefore simulating problems with high frequency without refining the mesh. These
finite elements are based on the Melenk and Babuska approach of including multiple wave
directions in the element shape functions.
The method has appeared in a few authors' published or unpublished work. It was used in the approximation of integral equations in electromagnetic scattering by de La Bourdonnaye [1] under the name of Microlocal Discretization. Melenk and Babuska [2,3] developed it as a subset of the Partition of Unity Finite Element Method and used it to solve the Helmholtz equation in the case of a progressive plane wave. Later, Mayer and Mandel presented it with the name Finite Ray Element Method [4]. They investigated the asymptotic convergence of the method when the number of the approximating plane waves is increased. All authors reported severe ill-conditioning problems. Farhat et al. [5] have proposed a model in which the standard finite element polynomial field is enriched by plane waves in the case of acoustic problems. The enriched field is added to the polynomial one rather than multiplied by it, as was done by previous authors. Therefore it is not continuous at element boundaries and continuity is enforced weakly by Lagrange multipliers. It seems that such an enrichment yields an adequate conditioning of the formulation. Recently, new special wave boundary elements for short wave problems were developed [6]. They incorporate wave shapes into the element shape functions. These new elements demonstrate reduced errors, for a given number of degrees of freedom, of three to five orders of magnitude.
In a previous work, Laghrouche and Bettess implemented this approach and solved a
few practical problems such as the scattering of a plane wave by a rigid circular
cylinder [7], a progressive plane wave with a local wave number [8]
and scattering problems by elliptical cylinders [9] and spheres [10].
The numerical results are in a good agreement with the available analytical solutions.
In the case of scattering by a circular cylinder, the wave number was increased and
the mesh remains unchanged until a single finite element contains around
In this paper, at each finite element node, the horizontal and vertical displacements are,
first, written as a summation of displacements due to each of the three waves P, S and R
(Compressional, shear and Rayleigh waves), then each of the component is expanded in
discrete series of displacements with respect to many directions taken between 0 and
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