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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 70
Paper II.4
Uniform and Patch Loaded Steel Plates: Comparisons Between Analysis and Experiment G.J. Turvey+ and M.Y. Osman#
+Department of Engineering, University of Lancaster, Lancaster, U.K.
Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
G.J. Turvey, M.Y. Osman, "Uniform and Patch Loaded Steel Plates: Comparisons Between Analysis and Experiment", in , (Editors), "Computational Steel Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK, pp 49-59, 2000. doi:10.4203/ccp.70.2.4
Isotropic rectangular clamped and simply supported square
plates are analysed using shear deformable plate theory. The
equations are discretised using graded finite differences and
the procedures for determining the mesh grading are
explained. The Dynamic Relaxation (DR) algorithm is used
to solve the governing system of plate equations. The
algorithm did not give correct solutions at first and the
modifications introduced to the out-of-plane equilibrium
equation, which led to the resolution of this problem, are
explained. Brief details are given of two tests, carried out on
square patch loaded steel plates, in order to provide data for
checking the DR analysis. A number of theoretical and
experimental results comparisons are presented for clamped
and simply supported plates subjected to uniform central
square and rectangular patch loads. These comparisons
confirm that the DR analysis is able to provide good
predictions of the elastic small and large deflection response
of shear deformable plates subjected to patch pressure
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