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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 61
Paper VI.4
A Distributed Object-Oriented Database for Storing and Managing Collaborative Architectural Designs F. Marir*, M.J. Jackson+ and G. Aouad+
*University of Kingston
Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
F. Marir, M.J. Jackson, G. Aouad, "A Distributed Object-Oriented Database for Storing and Managing Collaborative Architectural Designs", in B. Kumar, B.H.V. Topping, (Editors), "Novel Design and Information Technology Applications for Civil and Structural Engineering", Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK, pp 127-134, 1999. doi:10.4203/ccp.61.6.4
This paper describes the integration of the OSCON
(Open Systems for CONstruction: DOE funded project) and
COMMIT (Construction Modelling Methodologies for
Intelligent information inTegration: EPSRC funded project)
construction information models. These models have been
developed to handle issues related to the management of
construction information and to support both the sharing of
information and decision-making in collaborative projects.
The OSCON project revolves around a central object-oriented
information model. This model consists of domain
models, which support integration of information within a
specific domain, e.g. design and estimating. The integrated
database within OSCON supports the functions of design,
estimating and planning by allowing these construction
phases to effectively share information dynamically and
intelligently. In order to support collaborative engineering,
however, it is important not only to share information, but
also to manage that information in a manner that actively
promotes integration. To achieve this aim, COMMIT project
defines mechanisms to handle a number issues relating to the
management of information to support decision-making in a
collaborative projects. This includes: ownership, right, and
responsibilities, versioning of design components, recording
of intent behind decisions leading to new architectural design,
tracking of dependencies between building elements and
notification and propagation of architectural design changes.
This paper also describes the extension of the OSCON and COMMITS conceptual models to establish standard models for architectural design. This is by complying to the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) for common interpretation of construction design objects and also with CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) for distribution of these objects amongst the construction applications. This integration results in the development of a distributed object-oriented database for storing and managing collaborative architectural design. By supporting collaborative architectural design and managing the information in a manner that actively promotes integration, this integrated system responds to the need of the construction industry to reduce the fragmentation and increase competitiveness. purchase the full-text of this paper (price £20)
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