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Edited by: B. Kumar, I.A. MacLeod, A. Retik
Paper VIII.2

A Method for Data Transfer from CAD to Estimating System

Y. Ning*, L. Minhui*, Y. Zhiyao# and Z. Yongmei#

*Sunwen College, Zhongshan, China
#No.4 Civil Engineering Company, Zhongshan, China

Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
Y. Ning, L. Minhui, Y. Zhiyao, Z. Yongmei, "A Method for Data Transfer from CAD to Estimating System", in B. Kumar, I.A. MacLeod, A. Retik, (Editors), "Information Technology in Civil and Structural Engineering Design", Inverleith Spottiswoode, Edinburgh, UK, pp 115-118, 1996.
This paper developed a method of data transfer from engineering drawings in AutoCAD to the estimating database management system. Firstly, user-defined primitives with attributes, which are some precise information such as the physical dimensions, are described to assemble engineering buildings in terms of the principle of primitives assembling. Then, a CAD database was created while assembling a building, and the data was transfered to the CAD-based estimating system in civil engineering

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