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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 49
Paper XI.2
A New Design of Highway Embankments of Loess in China T. Hu
Sichuan Union University, Chengdu, China Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
T. Hu, "A New Design of Highway Embankments of Loess in China", in M.B. Leeming, B.H.V. Topping, (Editors), "Innovation in Civil and Construction Engineering", Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK, pp 247-251, 1997. doi:10.4203/ccp.49.11.2
In northwest China, natural loess slopes stand almost
vertically for a long time. While the current
embankment design rule implies: the less steep is the
embankment slope, the higher is the degree of slope
stability. So it appears to be contradictory whether
the regular design rule is correct or not.
By applying the geotechnical centrifugal model ling technique, a series of centrifugal tests were performed systematically to simu1ate the highway embankment conditions in loess regions of "Silk Road" in Gansu Province. These geotechnical centrifugal tests were undertaken successfully for the first time in China or abroad. From twelve plane strain model tests, the results indicate: for embankments with height less than 60 meters, its side slope of 1:1.2 is adequate under the conditions of retaining water and slope surface erosion, if it is considered from the deformation point of view. While the side slope may be steeper, if it is considered from the stability point, of view. All the details are listed in the Tables in the Research Report. These conclusions were verified to be correct by stability analysis finite element method and field investigations of many old rural roads built about 50-90 years ago. A1l the computations and verifications were written in another two Research Reports respectively Therefore this research work breaks through the Conventional slope design code for highway embankment in loess regions. It has very huge practical and economical value on reducing the huge earthwork volume of a route and on shortening the duration of construction work as well. That also means save a large amount of investment in highway construction. purchase the full-text of this paper (price £20)
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