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Edited by: B. Kumar, I.A. MacLeod, A. Retik
Paper VII.1

Implementation Strategies for Open Inference Design Environments

A. Mahdavi and P. Mathew

Center for Building Performance and Diagnostics, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, United States of America

Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
A. Mahdavi, P. Mathew, "Implementation Strategies for Open Inference Design Environments", in B. Kumar, I.A. MacLeod, A. Retik, (Editors), "Information Technology in Civil and Structural Engineering Design", Inverleith Spottiswoode, Edinburgh, UK, pp 93-98, 1996.
Previous studies introduced the concept of "open" simulation environments, as well as a related computational implementation (GESTALT). To realize the bi-directional inference mechanism needed for the functionality of open simulation environments (involving performance-to-design mapping operations), a quasi-greedy method (investigative projection technique) was utilized. This paper contrasts this method with some well known optimization strategies. Relative advantages of these techniques and the level of their suitability for the specific objectives of the open simulation tools are discussed.

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