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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 42
Paper VII.1
Non-Linear Structural Damping Determination by Finite Element Approach G.D. Gounaris* and N.K. Anifantis#
*Research and Development Department, Hellenic Register of Shipping, Piraeus, Greece
Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
G.D. Gounaris, N.K. Anifantis, "Non-Linear Structural Damping Determination by Finite Element Approach", in B.H.V. Topping, (Editor), "Advances in Computational Methods for Simulation", Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK, pp 227-232, 1996. doi:10.4203/ccp.42.7.1
An iterative technique is developed for the computation of
the non-linear structural damping for beam-like structures.
This technique is based on the finite element approach, in
which damping effect is approximated by introducing a
complex modulus of elasticity whose imaginary part
dependents on stress amplitude. Since stress amplitudes
depend on damping magnitude, a numerically iterative
scheme was developed for the computation of non-linear
structural damping. To simplify computational effort,
Timoshenko beam elements were used for the numerical
computations. The proposed method starts by accepting an
initial guess for damping. Then stresses are evaluated at the
middle of each element and their amplitudes are used for the
calculation of improved damping values. This method uses
maximum stress developed at each element which in turn
depends on magnitude of damping, as a measure for loss
factor evaluation. Immaterial of the law of damping
dependency on the stress amplitude, this approach gives very
accurate, stable and fast converging results as compared with
previous reported analytical and experimental ones. Present
results show and discuss some important consequences of
damping effect near and outside of resonances for structures
taken into account.
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