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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433
CCP: 38
Edited by: B.H.V. Topping
Paper IV.3

Structural Design - Could Artificial Intelligence Help?

B. Kumar

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
B. Kumar, "Structural Design - Could Artificial Intelligence Help?", in B.H.V. Topping, (Editor), "Advances in Computational Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK, pp 169-174, 1996. doi:10.4203/ccp.38.4.3
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been around for almost four decades but it was not until early to mid-eighties that its applications in Civil Engineering, in general, and Structural Design, in particular, were attempted. Around early eighties, pioneering works were done in the USA. From then on, such applications really mushroomed all over the world. This paper is not an attempt to criticise the works done in these areas but is intended to illustrate some of the benefits they can bring to the practice of structural design. The questions addressed in this paper include why should we automate conceptual design in the first place and how AI can help. if at all.

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