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Edited by: B. Kumar, I.A. MacLeod, A. Retik
Paper VI.1

Design from Breakdowns: The Integration of Design and Diagnosis

W.P.S. Dias

Civil Engineering Department, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka

Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
W.P.S. Dias, "Design from Breakdowns: The Integration of Design and Diagnosis", in B. Kumar, I.A. MacLeod, A. Retik, (Editors), "Information Technology in Civil and Structural Engineering Design", Inverleith Spottiswoode, Edinburgh, UK, pp 77-80, 1996.
The complementarity between design and diagnosis is highlighted, using Heidegger's ideas regarding "breakdowns", Popper's advocacy of theory falsification and Blockley's model of a reflective practice loop. The influence of structural failures on structural design codes is discussed. Product models, process models and expert systems are proposed as information technology and artificial intelligence tools that can enhance design. It is argued that the attributes and structuring of these models and the relevance of the expert system rules could be improved by incorporating knowledge obtained from diagnosis of failures. However, more work is required to develop systems that can transform diagnostic data into design knowledge.

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