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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433
CCP: 36
Edited by: B. Kumar and A. Retik
Paper II.1

A Configuration and Version Management Model for Collaborative Design

K.H. Law and K. Krishnamurthy

Civil Engineering Department, Stanford University, United States of America

Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
K.H. Law, K. Krishnamurthy, "A Configuration and Version Management Model for Collaborative Design", in B. Kumar, A. Retik, (Editors), "Information Representation and Delivery in Civil and Structural Engineering Design", Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK, pp 7-14, 1996. doi:10.4203/ccp.36.2.1
This paper describes a theoretical framework for a data management model for collaborative design. Specifically, a three layer model to manage data at different levels of granularity. First, a hierarchical versioning model is proposed to manage the independent evolution of alternative descriptions of a primitive entity. A version contains specific descriptions of instances of the entity; the contents of a version can be incrementally modified. In the second level, a complex entity (or assembly) is assembled in terms of its component entities. A component of an assembly can therefore be either a primitive instance contained in a version or another assembly. Finally, configurations are employed as a framework to integrate individual designs to describe the overall project. Inter-disciplinary constraints are used to specify restrictions among designs in individual disciplines. Thus, a configuration is formally specified as a set of database versions and a set of applicable constraints. The model has been prototyped and tested on a CAD system (AutoCAD). This paper summarizes the key features of the model and provides an example from a CAD application to illustrate the practicability of the framework in supporting collaborative design.

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