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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433
CCP: 29
Edited by: B.H.V. Topping and M. Papadrakakis
Paper I.1

Design Oriented Structural Analysis

G.L. Giles

Structural Dynamics Division, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, United States of America

Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
G.L. Giles, "Design Oriented Structural Analysis", in B.H.V. Topping, M. Papadrakakis, (Editors), "Advances in Structural Engineering Computing", Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK, pp 1-10, 1994. doi:10.4203/ccp.29.1.1
Desirable characteristics and benefits of design oriented analysis methods are described and illustrated by presenting a synoptic description of the development and uses of the Equivalent Laminated Plate Solution (ELAPS) computer code. ELAPS is a design oriented structural analysis method which is intended for use in the early design of aircraft wing structures. Model preparation is minimized by using a few large plate segments to model the wing box structure. Computational efficiency is achieved by using a limited number of global displacement functions that encompass all segments over the wing planform. Coupling with other codes is facilitated since the output quantities such as deflections and stresses are calculated as continuous functions over the plate segments. Various aspects of the ELAPS development are discussed including the analytical formulation, verification of results by comparison with finite element analysis results, coupling with other codes, and calculation of sensitivity derivatives. The effectiveness of ELAPS for mu1tidisciplinary design application is illustrated by describing its use in design studies of high speed civil transport wing structures.

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