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Civil-Comp Conferences
ISSN 2753-3239 CCC: 1
Paper 20.8
Development of smart pads for track and traffic monitoring in railway lines M. Sol-Sánchez1, R. Sañudo2, F. Moreno-Navarro1,
J.M. Castillo-Mingorance1 and M.C. Rubio-Gámez1
1Laboratory of Construction Engineering, University of
Granada, Spain
Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
M. Sol-Sánchez, R. Sañudo, F. Moreno-Navarro,
J.M. Castillo-Mingorance, M.C. Rubio-Gámez, "Development of smart pads for track and traffic
monitoring in railway lines", in J. Pombo, (Editor), "Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance",
Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK,
Online volume: CCC 1, Paper 20.8, 2022, doi:10.4203/ccc.1.20.8
Keywords: monitoring, piezoelectric, rail pads, bituminous sub-ballast, laboratory,
full-scale tests.
This article contributes with the trend and potential for the use of smart components
in railway monitoring, in this study focusing on rail pads and bituminous sub-ballast
as components to include the sensors. For this, it was carried out a detailed analysis
into different types of sensors to select the most appropriate ones for this application,
while later assessing the influence of different variables aiming for optimal design of
the smart materials. Also, the paper states the ability of these solutions to detect
changes in traffic conditions and/or track performance, carrying out innovative fullscale
tests instead of reduced models as commonly used in the testing of these
solutions. Results showed that simple and economic piezoelectrics (commonly
available) offered accurate, linear and reliable outputs under varying stress levels to
be detected to monitor different traffic conditions and track states. Also, results
reflected that the optimal position of these sensors could be at the bottom surface of
pads (for example, in the interface pad-sleeper when applied as rail pads), providing
durability and capacity to record signal variations after fatigue process. From fullscale
box tests reproducing track section, it was proved the ability of the smart
components to monitor the traffic loads and section performance, being more accurate
when the sensors applied in rail pads controlling rail-wheel contact.
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