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Civil-Comp Conferences
ISSN 2753-3239 CCC: 1
Paper 5.4
Calibration of a model for dynamic vehicle-track interaction in crossing panels to comprehensive field measurements B.A. Palsson1, U. Ossberger2 and M.D.G. Milosevic1
1M2 Dept/CHARMEC, Chalmers University of Technology,
Gothenburg, Sweden Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
B.A. Palsson, U. Ossberger, M.D.G. Milosevic, "Calibration of a model for dynamic vehicle-track
interaction in crossing panels to comprehensive
field measurements", in J. Pombo, (Editor), "Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance",
Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK,
Online volume: CCC 1, Paper 5.4, 2022, doi:10.4203/ccc.1.5.4
Keywords: multibody simulations, switch, crossing, flexible track, measurements.
A so-called Whole System Model (WSM) for railway switches and crossings (S&C)
is currently under development within the European research program Shift2Rail. The
objective of the WSM is that it should allow for holistic simulation-based evaluation
of S&C designs and ultimately provide input for Life Cycle Cost analysis and virtual
homologation. At the centre of the WSM is a multibody simulation (MBS) model that
evaluates the dynamic vehicle-track interaction for a given S&C design and traffic
situation and generates wheel-rail contact quantities and structural responses for the
following damage calculations. This paper is focused on the MBS model and present
developments for a finite element track model of an S&C crossing panel. The
developments concern the model itself and a calibration to measurement data from a
comprehensively instrumented S&C demonstrator installed as a part of Shift2Rail
activities in the Austrian railway network. The presented track model demonstrates an
overall good agreement between measurements and simulation after minor and
physical track parameter adjustments. A very good agreement is obtained at the center
of the crossing panel at the crossing transition while discrepancies are found across
the track along the sleeper that goes underneath the crossing transition. It is
hypothesized that this discrepancy is due to variations in ballast stiffness distribution
under the investigated sleeper. It is concluded that the presented track model can
represent the track dynamics well enough to fulfil its function within the Whole
System Modelling scheme.
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