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Civil-Comp Conferences
ISSN 2753-3239 CCC: 3
Paper 14.1
Flexural Behavior of Ferrocement Cold-Formed Hollow Steel Composite Beams Construction and Building Engineering Department, AASTMT,
Alexandria, Egypt
Construction and Building Engineering Department, AASTMT, Alexandria, Egypt Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
E. Elkassas, A.M. Morsy, M. Marzouck, "Flexural Behavior of Ferrocement Cold-Formed Hollow
Steel Composite Beams", in B.H.V. Topping, J. Kruis, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK,
Online volume: CCC 3, Paper 14.1, 2022, doi:10.4203/ccc.3.14.1
Keywords: cold-formed steel, ferrocement, composite beam, local buckling, precast,
shear connector.
Experimental and numerical studies are carried out to investigate the flexural behavior
of precast lightweight composite beams. This composite beam is comprised of a
slender cold-formed hollow section of dimension (140x180 mm) with different
thicknesses surrounded by a ferrocement layer. This composite beam is called a
precast ferrocement cold-formed hollow section (FCH). The main problem in this
study is the local buckling of cold-formed hollow sections before reaching yield. The
objective of these studies is to examine the flexural behavior of precast ferrocement
cold-formed composite beams with and without shear connectors. Nine beams with
a span of 1500 mm were tested under a four-point bending system to evaluate their
flexural strength. Four different parameters have been examined, which are the
spacing of shear connectors, ferrocement thickness, and hollow steel section
thickness. The test results showed that the presence of a 30 mm ferrocement layer
increased the capacity by 18% when compared with the control specimen. The
presence of shear connectors increases the capacity by 30%. Increasing the steel
cross-section thickness leads to an increase in the capacity by 16-33% and finally,
increasing the surface friction has a very small effect on the section capacity, which can be
neglected. The finite element models were developed and validated by the test results.
The results show a close agreement between the experimental and finite element
results. Extensive parameters were investigated, which were mortar compressive
strength and the position of shear connectors. The results indicated that increasing
mortar strength leads to an increase in section capacity ranging between 11% and
18%. The presence of a shear connector in the web and the lower flange of the hollow
section have a very small effect.
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