Your query returned 3 results.
- Adaptive Unstructured Remeshing Using Gradient-Only Optimisation Algorithms for Shape Optimisation,
D.N. Wilke, S. Kok and A.A. Groenwold
Paper 222 from CCP: 84, ISBN 1-905088-11-6 (2006)
- Line Elements for the Multiphysics Modeling of Axispherical Bodies,
D.W. Wood, Z.C. Lai, C.S. Long, S. Kok and A.A. Groenwold
Paper 68 from CCP: 80, ISBN 0-948749-98-9 (2004)
- On Shape Optimization using Particle Swarms and an Unstructured Remeshing Strategy,
D.N. Wilke, S. Kok and A.A. Groenwold
Paper 97 from CCP: 80, ISBN 0-948749-98-9 (2004)