- Modelling of Textile Strengthened Masonry,
I. Kalker, C. Butenweg, S. Holler and B. Toll
Paper 184 from CCP: 81, ISBN 1-905088-02-7 (2005)
- Capacity Analysis of Textile Retrofitted Unreinforced Masonry,
I. Kalker, B. Toll, S. Holler and C. Butenweg
Paper 194 from CCP: 79, ISBN 0-948749-95-4 (2004)
- Numerical Simulation of Textile-Reinforced Concrete Structures,
S. Holler, C. Butenweg, S.-Y. Noh and K. Meskouris
Paper 122 from CCP: 75, ISBN 0-948749-83-0 (2002)