Your query returned 4 results.
- Feedback-based Neural Networks in Structural Optimisation of Aerospace Structures,
W. Ruijter, R. Spallino, J. Entzinger and J. Hol
Paper 40 from CCP: 78, ISBN 0-948749-92-X (2003)
- Evolution Strategies in the Optimal Design of a Laminated Composite Canard Wing,
R. Spallino and S. Rizzo
Paper 11.6 from CCP: 57, ISBN 0-948749-59-8 (1999)
- Parallel Evolution Strategies in Optimal Design of Laminated Beams,
R. Spallino, J. Cai and G. Thierauf
Paper 6.3 from CCP: 45, ISBN 0-948749-47-4 (1997)
- Optimal Design of Laminated Composite Plates,
G. Giambanco, S. Rizzo and R. Spallino
Paper 6.2 from CCP: 40, ISBN 0-948749-42-3 (1996)