Your query returned 4 results.
- HTFETI Method for Non-symmetric Problems,
A. Markopoulos, R. Kucera, T. Brzobohaty, L. Riha, O. Meca, V. Ryska and T. Kozubek
Paper 1.5 from CCP: 111, ISBN 978-1-905088-66-9 (2017)
- A Path-following Algorithm for Parallel Solving of the
Stokes Problem with the Stick-slip Boundary Condition,
M. Jarosova, R. Kucera and V. Satek
Paper 1.7 from CCP: 111, ISBN 978-1-905088-66-9 (2017)
- A New Variant of the Path-Following Algorithm for the Parallel Solving of the Stokes Problem with Friction,
M. Jarosova, R. Kucera and V. Satek
Paper 1.11 from CCP: 107, ISBN 978-1-905088-62-1 (2015)
- MatSol: Parallel Algorithms based on Domain Decomposition Methods,
V. Vondrák, T. Kozubek, A. Markopoulos, T. Brzobohatý and R. Kucera
Paper 116 from CCP: 91, ISBN 978-1-905088-32-4 (2009)