- Numerical Simulation of Soil-Structure-Interaction of Towers and Tanks via Finite and Infinite Elements,
R. Harte and E. Mahran
Paper 167 from CCP: 89, ISBN 978-1-905088-26-3 (2008)
- Safety of Storm-Stressed Thin Reinforced Concrete Shells in Power Industries,
W.B. Krätzig, M. Graffmann, R. Harte and U. Montag
Paper 234 from CCP: 88, ISBN 978-1-905088-23-2 (2008)
- Computations for the Innovative Design and Proof of a Large Cooling Tower,
M. Andres, R. Harte and U. Montag
Paper 14.2 from CCP: 65, ISBN 0-948749-67-9 (2000)