Your query returned 4 results.
- Numerical Wrinkling Prediction of Thin Hyperelastic Structures by Direct Energy Minimization,
Y. Lecieux and R. Bouzidi
Paper 151 from CCP: 93, ISBN 978-1-905088-38-6 (2010)
- Deployment of Membranous Tubes by Air Inflation at Low Pressure,
S. Buytet, R. Bouzidi and Ch. Dupuy
Paper 95 from CCP: 83, ISBN 1-905088-08-6 (2006)
- Numerical Solution by Energy Minimization of Hyperelastic Membrane in Large Displacements and Finite Strains,
R. Bouzidi and A. Le Van
Paper 84 from CCP: 75, ISBN 0-948749-83-0 (2002)
- Beam and Plain Strain Finite Elements for Inflatable Fabric Membranes in Two Dimensions,
J.-C. Thomas, Y. Ravaut, C. Wielgosz, R. Bouzidi
Paper 87 from CCP: 75, ISBN 0-948749-83-0 (2002)